How To Comprehension Reading Strategies To Make Reading Interesting

Author: Darrin Dahl

Reading makes a complete man. Students must be avid readers and they should read whatever they get their hands on. Reading is a good habit but it is difficult as well. The first problem in reading is focus and second problem is recognizing words.

How to make reading interesting?

Perhaps it is the biggest challenge before teachers. It isn’t easy to make reading interesting as it needs a lot of physical and mental efforts. One has to site with a book and read between the lines to understand what the author wants to say. Here teachers can help students, if teachers know how de-clutter brains of students. Teachers should know what comprehension reading strategies are?

Little minds can’t think as fast an adult brain could. It is certainly difficult to make young students sit and read but it is possible. If teachers can de-clutter brains of their students, they can make their students sit and read. Clutter comes from different ways. There could be distraction in the class or the students can attract to sound coming from out.

When reading becomes interesting, students can easily focus on studies. Teachers should focus on making reading interesting. They should interrupt wherever and whenever needed. Students might find a word difficult to understand or they might need help in understanding the topic. Some topics have their history and they are difficult to understand without going through their history. De-cluttering young minds is first step in comprehension reading strategies.

Students love for reading

Learning starts from reading. When a new chapter starts, students co through the chapter to know what the chapter is about. Here teachers can help. They can give a brief introduction of the chapter to help students understand what they are going to read. Also the teachers can highlight important parts of the chapter to make reading more interesting.

Reading with writing

Reading encourages readers to write. When students are able to read and understand topics, they can give comments on the topics they are reading or they have read in past. A question answer session can be started to allow students display their knowledge on the topic. Question answer session could also be a part of comprehension reading strategies.

Teachers can learn many things from experience of their seniors. Experienced teachers can share their experiences with newcomers through their blogs and articles. Teachers should keep reading to know how to make students good readers.