CAS-001, CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner exam
The complex networking environments require learned IT professionals for solving various problems, handling of the high amount of data, as well as for the sustenance of a proper business or entrepreneur company environment.
Certifications would always take you a step further in this case, as a certification is not just a fancy credential to be proud of; it’s also a testimony of your skills as a pro in the game of IT.
The CAS-001 exam certification like many others give you many advantages over other fellow applicants for a big job, but also it gives you the beneficial knowledge and experience that is sure to benefit you in your professional years of working in the enterprise environment.
The CAS-001 aims at granting the successful candidates with an advanced level certification that is globally recognized. As the exam is very much special, it’s requirements although not exactly over the top, are practical work and experience oriented. The candidates willing to acquire the CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner exam certification should have a CompTIA Security + certification, or should have previous security working experience to assist them in taking and learning about the exam and the required work knowledge. Also, for the CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner exam, the candidate must have a 10 years working experience in the IT administration as well as a five years working experience in the technical security environment.
The exam is very much practical oriented, therefore the experience is very much necessary for the exam. The candidates should have the basic knowledge of vendor specific technologies and tools for the CAS-001 exam, as well as the knowledge required to design and manage the secure solutions in the enterprise environment as well as the grip on the basic concepts and designs of the system and the solutions in a complex and technically challenging security environment. The topics of the CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner exam along with the percentage in exam are as follows:
Enterprise Security 40%
Distinguishing and selecting the appropriate cryptographic techniques and tools for the given situation, cryptographic methods and designs’ implications, selection of different types of computing, etc
Risk Management, Policy/Procedure and Legal 24%
Analysis of security risk implications, implementation of security and privacy policies
Research and Analysis 14%
Computing integration, integration of communications and business development 22%
Integration of enterprise disciplines, explaining advanced tools and techniques, as well as carrying out different security solutions and functions and validating system designs.
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