Essential Guidance for Flood Preparation

Author: Sonja Mitchell

Floods can occur in all sizes from the epic through to smaller localised effects. However, before you contemplate Katherine flood evacuation, it is important that you make proper flood preparations when an alert is issued.

Basic Flood Preparations:

If you live in an area which may be vulnerable to flooding, it is important that you understand basic flood preparations and precautions. You should be aware that you live in a flood prone area and understand the local warning signals. It is also a very good idea to know the best Katherine flood evacuation routes and the location of the emergency shelters. Your basic precautions should also include practicing evacuations with all your family members and have contact details for outside the area in the event that you become separated. All your family members should know this contact name, address and telephone number.

Emergency Precautions:

There are a number of emergency precautions to ensure that you are prepared for any flood evacuations. This includes measures such as keeping your vehicle filled with fuel and having a stock of emergency supplies. Your supplies should include multiple flashlights, extra batteries, a battery powered radio, non perishable food and drinking water for up to five days. You will require approximately five gallons for each person in addition to any needed for pets.

You should also plan a first aid kit which includes basic supplies and any prescription medications which you need to take regularly. You can also use this waterproof container to keep your insurance cards, identification and medical records safely stored. You will also need to keep a supply of personal hygiene products along with some disposable cleaning cloths or baby wipes just in case water for bathing is not available.

Katherine Flood Evacuation:

If there is adverse weather, you should be alert to any warnings issued by monitoring local television stations or radio shows. You will need to follow any directives for evacuation and ensure that your utilities and gas are turned off before you leave. If the local area has begun to flood, you should be aware that it takes only twelve centimetres of water to make your footing unsteady, You should avoid walking through moving water and check the firmness of the ground with a stick before you move forward. It is also important to note that your vehicle could be floated by only thirty centimetres of water, so you should avoid driving through standing water in case you lose control or stall the vehicle. Should the water reach the exhaust, there is the possibility that it could become filled with water, allowing carbon monoxide to flood the vehicle. Many Katherine fire fighting professionals have seen vehicles carried away during flooding, so it is important to take special care during an evacuation.

If you are concerned about Katherine flood evacuation, contact us. We have a fleet of aircraft offering scenic tours, charter flights and flood evacuation. Our pilots have experience with Kimberley fire fighting and flood evacuation. We would be happy to answer any queries or questions and provide reassurance for your evacuation plans.