10 End of Summer Fundraising Ideas
The beginning of Fall is just around the corner, so take advantage of the end of summer weather and bring in maximum funding for your nonprofit organization. Listed here you will find fundraising ideas that are fast, fun, and easy and have the potential to lead your organization into a successful Fall season.
1. Car Wash
This tried and true fundraiser idea is an ideal choice to generate funding and beat the summer heat. Since groups of all sizes can run a profitable car wash, if you are low on volunteers you can make yours even more profitable by joining with a similar local organization and splitting set up costs and distributing end of day profits evenly.
2. Barbeque
Summer and hotdogs go hand in hand, and with hotdogs being one of the most economical barbeque choices, they are the perfect menu item for a summer barbeque fundraiser.
3. Online Fundraising
You will especially love online fundraising with the fast, free and easy set up process. With online fundraising you can start generating revenue in minutes and stay out of the summer heat; which means more time for yourself and your organization’s future success!
A great one to try out is MagFundraising. It’s fast, FREE and easy.
4. Just-for-Fun Game
Sports like baseball, football and basketball are lots of fun in the summer, and also a great way to raise funds. Organize fun games like parents vs. kids, girls vs. boys, etc. and charge a small fee to join a team, or allow people to join in with a donation amount of their choice.
5. Bike-A-Thon
Any "thon" that gets your group outside and enjoying the summer weather is an easy awareness building opportunity and invoke positive brand identity.
6. Yard Sale
A yard sale is a great way to clear clutter, and raise lots of money. Left over or additional Spring cleaning items that never made it to a charity drop off location can now be put to good use for your organization’s fundraiser.
7. Lollipop Sale
Nothing sells faster than lollipops, especially at sporting events, community get-togethers, and other fun summer activities. They are also easy to carry and won’t melt on a hot summer day.
8. Pool Party
If you have the resources (a pool for starters, and also proper supervision if you’re working with children,) a pool party is an excellent fundraiser idea for summer! Sell snacks, raffle off prizes, and set up carnival-type games like a ring toss!
9. Water Balloon Fight
Find a large open space in your community, like a park or field, and organize the biggest water balloon fight anyone has ever seen! You can either charge per water balloon, or make it a team sport where people pay a team fee to enter.
10. Concert in the Park
A concert takes a lot of planning, but if you have the resources it can be a huge success. Put together a showcase of local talent for your concert. Many local bands will play for free because it is a great opportunity for them to display talent and generate awareness. It is especially popular if you are working with kids and teens!
Summer is an excellent opportunity to maintain high momentum year round and continue receiving and or generating successful revenue for your organization’s needs. Good luck fundraising!
Author Bio :
The author of the article has an extensive experience in the field of fundraising ideas and fundraising service