CAD Designs Remove The Need For Manual Planning

Author: Mr Ghood

CAD designs have revolutionised building design just as computer technology has transformed many other sectors; the software that runs retail checkouts is a drop in the ocean compared with the potential of web-based ecommerce, it is becoming possible to pass through an airport with almost no human contact by checking in online, and it's hard to imagine raising a city from a desert without computer-based techniques, as our UAE offices have helped to do in the emirates.

But it's not all about the 'big ideas', as CAD designs have streamlined even the most humble of building features; the smallest of plumbing pipes and electrical cables, and the most intricate of exterior mouldings, can all be included on digital designs without having to lay them or build them in the real world. This not only saves money by making 'mistakes' in a virtual world instead of having to put them right in reality, but it also saves materials and labour in the same way, while ensuring the finished design is the best it can be.

Of course, that is not to say that there is no human input needed in CAD designs, rather than that they help to reduce the risk of human error. No more lengthy calculations to work out exactly how much force is exerted on a column or beam; the computer software can take care of that, and help to flag up any places where the total weight coming down from above might be more than the walls or joists can bear. This is just one of the ways in which architecture - in the engineering sense of the word, rather than the artistic sense - has been utterly and irreversibly transformed by the steady rise of computing capabilities.

By outsourcing your CAD designs, you get the best of both worlds, with an expert-level design for your project from the best CAD designers and the opportunity to preview your finished building in two or three dimensions as appropriate, any problem areas flagged up or resolved on your behalf, and the finished plans ready to give to the builders. At the same time, you save yourself the time, cost and complexity of buying computer hardware and CAD software, along with hiring or training staff capable of using all of their skills to put together a finished design.