What Is An Intersystem Cache Developer?
Technology has advanced at an impressive pace over the last two decades, everyday items, such as mobile phones are taken for granted yet it was not so long ago that these items would have been part of a science fiction novel. There is no sign of this improvement in technological capabilities slowing down; in fact technology is becoming even more entwined into daily routines, to the point that we may soon become completely dependent upon it.
This advancement has created a huge range of new jobs; from website developers, to systems analysis or even software developers. Some jobs are very general and can be applied in a variety of different applications, whilst other jobs are much more specific and are dedicated to the design and improvement of specific software. Of course all jobs require an understanding of programming and how to create a useable software package.
The basis of Programming
A good programmer needs to develop an understanding of all the different programming languages with particular attention to the main C++ and Java languages. Ideally you will need to understand how to create a database and how to query or interrogate the data; mastering SQL databases is an excellent starting point for this. At this point it would be essential to specialize in one of the main fields; such as web programming, applications, systems or even a programming scientist. The learning process never actually ends as new developments and techniques are being discovered and used daily. One of the most important attributes of any programmer is a passion for the subject; this will ensure they want to stay up to date with the latest developments.
This company was founded in 1978 and has been successfully trading every since. It has specialized in software products for the healthcare market and has purchased and developed a variety of products over the years. It has become known as the main supplier of products which use M technology; these are systems which have been written using the MUMPS programming language and feature built in databases which are easy to access. These products have proved to be particularly beneficial to healthcare providers as they generally have large databases of information which need to be accessed quickly and efficiently from multiple locations.
Cache Developer
The cache has been a part of computing systems for many years; it is a part of the computer which allows data to be stored permanently. Having the data stored means that it is much quicker to re-access the information should you need to at any point in the future; this is an important principle when dealing with the healthcare profession as patient records need to be accessed on a regular basis. In effect it is an additional memory inside your computer which stores relevant information, in accordance with the principles defined in the programming. Whenever you attempt to access data your computer will attempt to retrieve the information from the cache as this is much faster than locating or recalculating the information at source again.
Perhaps the most difficult part of developing caches is the balance between a good sized cache and the processing power of the computer or program. Too much cache will slow the computer down considerably.
Working for Intersystems
Intersystems may specialize in Healthcare products but it is not necessary to have an understanding of healthcare principles. A good programmer will need to understand how to develop an object orientated data management system in line with using MUMPS to manipulate the underlying principles of the program to obtain the desired results.
It is not essential to wait for an Intersystem Cache Developer job to arise, there are other businesses, such as HenryElliott.com, which specialize in providing the right healthcare solutions and have a need for those who understand and can develop the systems to provide support for their own customers. The support they offer includes:
- Assistance both on location and remotely.
- Programming to adapt the program to a client’s needs – this is usually completed on site.
- Communicating with Intersystems in respect of new developments, product fixes and anything else which may be relevant.
- Converting old database to merge with new systems to enable the upgrade of any system without loss of data.
- Initial installation of the product and set up.
Anyone who is employed in the above role must be certified by Intersystems as capable and qualified to deal with the above issues competently and efficiency. In practice this may mean that many of the potential employees looking for these roles are former employees of Intersystems who are looking for a change in their working environment without leaving this specialized field. The migration of staff does create Intersystem Cache Developer jobs to be created at Intersystems which is, potentially, the best place to complete your training.
A Specialised Field
There is no doubt that this is a specialized field and that those who perform well in it will be able to command a good salary. However, to maintain this level of commitment and performance you must be passionate about the field of programming and the MUMPS programming language. An Intersystems cache developer will be constantly adjusting the cache available and balancing this against the needs of the product as a whole. But it is much more than this; the Cache program is an operational database and claims to be the fastest one in the world. In order for it to remain at the top of its field it must be constantly revised and improved. It is used by customers as part of a package which controls patient tracking, medical records and even medical management systems; this is why the product must perform properly at all times and must be evaluated and re-written regularly to keep up with any changes in technology.
As an Intersystems Cache Developer you would need to understand the MUMPS programming language and be able to use a hierarchical database structure to continue the Intersystems reputation as the fastest object database in the world. A good understanding of other computer programming languages and how software applications work will also be beneficial to ensure integration between products as required.