Dilemma of professional international Scientific and Journal Publication
They are the high quality and professional publication of peer reviewed and refereed international journals from diverse fields in sciences, engineering and technologies totally emphasizes on new research, development and their applications. They provide an open access forum for scientists, scholars, researchers and engineers to exchange their research work, technical notes and surveying results among professionals throughout the world in e-journals or print publications. They are serving people of scientific as well as engineering field since many years.
Being a part of eco-friendly community they promote the e-publication mode by publishing all its journals through monthly subscription of their personal e-journal. Their publish research are comprises of online submission, subscribe, indexing partners, publication certificate and conference papers. They facilitate the widespread of information to institutional bodies by providing the online print version of journals. Being an online journal, they do not offer hard copy of monthly subscription and promotes minimal print of the online content.
All researchers are invited to submit their original or extended version of previously published papers for peer review and publications. Before submitting papers at their institute the authors must ensure that their works are original or refereed form have never published anywhere and be agreed upon the entire fraternity of authors. The authors must also agree and adhere on innovation and authenticity of their research work. Call for papers 2015 review and publish, which includes research paper, case studies, analytical papers, review article, argumentative papers, survey research and data analysis.
They maintain all published papers in OARD which delivers open access to listed papers among universities, researchers and scholars. OARD is based on OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) protocols which help to index the research papers worldwide.
Their professional publication includes theoretical, practical and empirical paper in all areas of engineering and sciences. However, they also enlist the below areas from computer science, chemistry, physics, biology, medical science, geology, statistics, accounting, social science, mathematics, management and economics without putting any cap on the uncovered ones.
Apart from above mentioned papers, you will also find current research papers on their website. Their web link is easy and comfortable to browse and you will easily find what you are searching for.
For more information please visit Current research papers