Dermal Fillers for the Face

Author: Jamie Opielski

Dermal fillers can achieve amazing transformations in aged faces, as they can effectively eliminate aging signs such as wrinkles and fine lines, while providing the necessary volume to the skin.

Modern cosmetic dermatology includes numerous facial rejuvenation and anti-aging treatments. Among these is a group of treatments called dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are injectable products that effectively volumize the skin while eliminating aging signs such as wrinkles and fine lines. Dermatologists use dermal fillers mostly to achieve amazing results for the face in New Orleans. Essentially, dermal fillers can volumize the lips, eliminate deep wrinkles and creases that are visible around the mouth, and those unsightly lines between the eyebrows.

As one ages, a mixture of factors can take a heavy toll on the appearance of the skin. These factors can come in the form of lifestyle choices, heredity, sun exposure, and diet. Due to a combination of all these factors, and aging, the much-needed collagen and fat in the face can deteriorate and break down, resulting in an appearance that will seem tired and dull. At this time, wrinkles start to appear in the regions where muscle-based facial expressions are made. Some of the most visible facial wrinkles and lines include nasolabial folds, lines and wrinkles in between eyebrows, and the marionette lines that extend from the sides of the mouth down to the chin.

Dermal fillers for the face in New Orleans can easily correct many aging signs like these by not only erasing the lines and wrinkles, but also providing much-needed volume to the facial skin. This will mean that a patient’s face have a revitalized, vibrant and younger-looking appearance. For people who don’t want to opt to undergo invasive surgical procedures like facelifts, dermal fillers can achieve the desired and suitable youthful appearance.

Dermal fillers are administered to a patient through injections. Prior to these injections, physicians assess the patient’s medical history and determine his or her suitability for the procedure in terms of potential risks and complications. When these criteria are satisfied, the physician will move onto evaluating the patient’s skin and the treatment areas as a final check for the patient’s suitability for the procedure.

Once the aforementioned are satisfied, physicians in cities like New Orleans go ahead with the procedure and inject the dermal filler for the face. In addition to the amazing results they achieve, dermal fillers are preferred cosmetic dermatology products because they incur virtually no downtime. Patients can return to their normal lifestyle as soon as the procedure is complete and enjoy the benefits of a youthful, revitalized appearance.

If you want to be treated by an experienced Board certified dermatologist who is also a Platinum plus provider of Botox and Juvederm and an educator in cosmetic dermatology, go to Dermatologist New Orleans for more information. They offer unmatched expertise in non-surgical skin rejuvenation. Read more on: Fillers For Face New Orleans.