Buy Niaspan from Licensed online Pharmacy Stores to save your Medicinal Expenses

Author: Chris Gayle

High cholesterol level in the body triggers numerous health disorders like elevated blood strain and cardiovascular disease. To enhance the overall health and wellness, it is very important to keep a control on the rising blood cholesterol level. Numerous procedures are found effective in lowering the cholesterol level in the body. It includes proper diet plan, practicing exercises and having health supplements. Doctors prescribe effective cholesterol lowering drugs to reduce the elevated cholesterol level.

The extended release of Niacin known as Niaspan contains the water-soluble vitamin known as B3.The vital vitamin helps to maintain the metabolic activity of the body and eliminate the unwanted fats and bad cholesterol. Vitamin-B complex is essentially required to manage the vital body processes. But the body is not able to synthesize these Vitamins on its own. For such reason, intake of Niaspan or vitamin supplements helps the body to acquire requisite amount of useful Vitamin-B complex group. These families of vitamins trigger the activity of the useful enzymes and restores normal body activities. The active ingredient of Niaspan plays a vital role in maintaining a good health.

How does Niaspan works in the body?

The effective medication Niaspan contains Niacin, which is beneficial in breaking down the harmful fats and lowering the bad cholesterol level in the body. The harmful fats and cholesterol sticks to the arterial wall and prevents smooth flow of blood in the body. The low-density lipoprotein (LDL) has greater tendency of getting build up across the arterial walls and form cholesterol plaque. Such deposition of LDL narrows down the artery and increases risks of heart diseases. Niaspan lowers the level of LDL and triglycerides in the blood and elevates the amount of HDL by 25%.

Taking Niaspan along with well-balanced diet:

Regular intake of Niaspan along with a well-balanced diet keeps cardiovascular diseases at bay. Most of the doctors recommend the heart patients to take accurate dosage of Niaspan regularly to maintain a healthy regime. Some of the food elements that supply natural Niacin to the body include eggs, beans, meats and dairy products. Most of the time, the vitamin present in the food element get diluted during the process of assimilation and digestion. Diluted vitamins cannot act properly in the body and fails to eliminate the harmful fats. Hence, it is necessary to intake Niaspan for proper cholesterol maintenance.

Side effects of Niaspan:

Some of the common side effects of Niaspan include:

  • Stomach ache

  • Flushing of the face and neck

  • Excessive sweating

  • Chills

  • Severe headache

  • Dizziness

  • Stomach upset

  • Heartburn

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Skin itching

Avoiding Niaspan Side Effects:

To avoid the intense side effects of Niaspan, it is important to monitor the consumption of medication closely. In initial stage, the dosage of the medication should be around 50-80 mg. However, if the daily dosage of Niaspan exceeds amounts of 600 mg the patients might suffers from some of the severe side effects.

The best remedy to avoid Niaspan side effects is to take an aspirin half an hour prior to taking Niaspan. The patients also need to drink plentiful amount of water and prevent intake of drugs and alcoholic beverages.

Summary - To prevent the stressful condition of high cholesterol level, buy Niaspan from licensed online Canadian drug store and avail the ordered medications at your doorsteps.