Leon Churchill Enumerates the Many Qualities of a Great Community

Author: Casey Carpenter

Are you wondering what qualities a community has that make it an ideal place to live in? It’s hard to determine the exact qualities, for most people often regard the idea of a good community as too abstract. Most people, however, fail to realize that they are already living in an ideal community or neighborhood, making the idea of a good community not very far off.

Community developers, then, must strive to create an ideal, if not great, neighborhood. They can follow the guidelines and standards set by the good community in building a neighborhood that accepts everyone, regardless of class, race, age, and lifestyle.

Promoting Safety

Safety is among the key elements of a good community. An ideal community is a safe place to live in despite the natural disasters, like tornadoes and earthquakes, which could strike and devastate towns without warning. The community is also able to take precautions against these natural disasters by building emergency centers and warning systems, among many others.

A safe community entitles its members to a safe water supply, clean air, and freedom from unnecessary traffic problems and other community hazards. More importantly, an ideal community discourages crimes, be it violent or property crimes, which may strike fear among the residents.

Human Contact and Visual Interests

Community developers, like Leon Churchill, understand that, though the physical attributes of a community are important, these do not make an ideal community. One cannot see the value of an ideal community on the streets or in the buildings, but rather in the relationships between its members. Not only should individuals be living in close proximity to one another, but they should also have an impact on each other’s lives.

This does not mean that developers can’t integrate culture and recreation into a community. After all, community life is also formed by the activities that cultural, educational, ethnic, religious, and recreational institutions promote. Developers can find a whole world of possibilities and opportunities for rewarding work, learning, creating, and worshipping in a community.

Not only is an ideal community a pleasant and safe place to live in, but it’s also a place where its members can continue growing and developing themselves as time goes by. Planning a community that resembles the ideal one is possible with the help of developers like Leon