Back-To-School Checklist For Parents Of High Schoolers
Are your kids ready to move on to high school? What all points are there on your checklist that you need to take care of? Do you have an organized plan in mind? There are many points that have to be taken care of. Look all over the place and there you are with points coming to your mind before even anybody guides you. Let us have a brief look at those points.
1. Building social ties within the mind of your kids beforehand by arranging play dates with few classmates could be really wise.- 2. A comfort zone could build in advance if your kid has got some friends beforehand. So request principal or teacher to set few classmates for play dates.
- 3. Try to accumulate somebody's last year school supplies instead of buying more.
- 4. Get yourself a list of school supplies needed by your child so that everything is made available to them before the school starts.
- 5. Let your children be involved in shopping with you so that they learn to pick things such as a lunch box, backpack, or more, without any parental help.
- 6. Have some dedicated space where your kids could store their school supplies when not in use.
- 7. Decide on the space where your kids will do their homework so that they are not distracted from the surroundings.
- 8. Let your kids have restricted access to distractions such as gaming consoles and television.
- 9. Motivate kids to have a practice of filing things so that they can have all things stored properly, such as graded papers, drawings, and research material.
- 10. A strict deadline for almost everything right from sleeping habits to homework, projects, assignments, can help children to follow a dedicated time schedule.
- 11. Weekdays and weekends going to bed and getting up time would be same to help them be on track 365 days in a year.
- 12. Do not over schedule your child with too many extracurricular activities. Keep the commitments in control that can be easily handled by them.
- 13. Encourage kids to set future goals before months or even years, so that kids can focus on achieving it and working hard accordingly.
- 14. Let your children to have apt understanding how to prioritize activities in a week or in a day altogether as per the goals set.
- 15. Fun activities are a way to get refreshed. Make a list of games as well as activities you want your kids to get involved in.
- 16. Let your kids get hands on connection with the teachers early on so that the study or behavioral issues could be tackled once school starts.
- 17. Every single activity should be given apt time so that things can be balanced such as bedtime, study, play, and relaxation.
- 18. Follow a strict routine for your child when it comes to sleeping for a good number of hours giving rest to the brain.
Are you already following this checklist? Were you aware of only a few points before? Whatever it may be, now you know what to do in order to make your kids ready for school. Getting an online math tutor on board beforehand providing a decent online math tutoring can help your kids to a great extent when they desperately need math homework help. If you can teach them mathematics and other subjects, then it is just great. However, if you do not have enough time to get involved in their studies, you can help them with tutoring of subjects they dislike or they struggle enough to learn.
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