Laura Deleruyelle: Healthy Aging

Author: John Smith

Healthy aging is a topic that comes up quite a bit for adults that are reexamining their health at a phase in their lives when they are reaching 50 years of age and older. Healthy minds, healthy bodies, and healthy spirits are all parts of a healthy aging portfolio. In order to emerge with the best plan to tactically encourage healthy aging, you must first make a full assessment of your current lifestyle and diet, and then make the appropriate changes and/or additions to it. In order to be successful, one must make that commitment to incorporate this new lifestyle and diet into their daily routine. Quite often, this may require the assistance of a dedicated and specialized doctor in the field of healthy aging.

One of the ways in which healthy aging is treated is through the usage of compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and other treatment modalities. There are many variables that need to be considered in successful anti-aging therapy. For the analysis of an individual’s health profile, significant progress is being made in the replacement of hormones in patients when it comes to aging. An initial anti-aging visit typically includes a complete physical exam along with a complete blood workup, anti-aging panel, nutritional panel, and not uncommonly other lab tests if the patient is very ill. The follow-up visit will include an in depth discussion of their lab results, diagnosis, comorbidities, treatment and a personalized plan for healthy aging. With a personalized program formulated that includes an exercise and diet regimen, nutritional supplementation, properly administered bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and other treatments, many people can achieve their dreams of attaining the highest degree of health possible.

Dr. Laura Deleruyelle is a board certified family nurse practitioner with a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. She is a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine who specializes in healthy aging with a focus on total health. She is different from most providers in that her goal is to discover and treat the underlying cause of a variety of health problems and not just insist that taking prescription drugs is the answer to all of our health problems. She is an advocate of helping individuals renew their energy levels and do their best to achieve a long and productive life through innovative therapies that are proven and safe.