Pediatric Dentistry Defined

Author: Alfred Willian

Pediatric dentists are usually dedicated to ensuring the oral health of children from the infancy stage through the teen years. Pediatric dentists have the qualifications and experience to care for an infant's gums, teeth and mouth through the various stages of teenage and childhood.

Most children begin to get their baby teeth within 6 months from the date of birth. By the age of six or seven years, the child starts to lose their first set of baby teeth, which are then replaced by the secondary, permanent teeth. Lack of proper dental care could bring about children oral diseases and decay that could cause a lifetime of complications and pain. Nowadays, dental caries in the early childhood stage is an infectious disease and is 7 times more common than hay fever and five times more common in children than asthma and

What Kind of Training Do Pediatric Dentists Have?

As a pediatric dentist, one should have completed at least

  • An average of four years in a dental school
  • Another 2 additional years of residency training in pediatric dentistry for children, and infants and teens.

What Types of Treatments Do I Provide?

As a Pediatric Dentistry Helena MT, I provide comprehensive oral care that includes all of the following;

  • Children oral health exams. This will include risk assessment for caries in mother and child
  • All forms of preventive dental care which includes fluoride and cleaning treatment. We also provide you with various diet and nutritional recommendations
  • Behavioral counseling (e.g thumb sucking and the use of a pacifier)
  • Treatment in the early stages for correcting an improper bite- referred to as orthodontics and straightening of teeth.
  • We also offer repairing for tooth defects and cavities.
  • We identify oral conditions that are associated with major diseases such as congenital heart defect, diabetes, hyperactivity disorder / attention deficit, hay fever and asthma.
  • We help in management of various kinds of diseases affecting the gums and conditions including short freelance, ulcers, pediatric periodontal disease and mucoceles.
  • Care for all kinds of dental injuries (E.g fractured, knocked out or displaced teeth)

Where Can I Find You?

South Hills Dental is located at 2480 Tracy Drive Helena, MT 59601. We are the leaders in dental care services in Montana. Here at South Hills Dental Clinic, we are very determined to ensure we provide you with the best quality dental care for your child. We make sure our staff and doctors receive continued dental education. We strive to prevent rather than to treat dental diseases in children.

The Best Care For Children.

Infants and young children are not always calm. Most of the times during a dental examination, they are not patient and cooperative. As top notch pediatric dentists we know how to treat and examine infants and children in several ways that make them feel comfortable. Additionally, we use specially designed dentistry equipment in our offices that are decorated and arranged with a child’s thinking in mind.

As pediatric dentists we offer expertise and training to care for your child’s mouth, gums and teeth as well as a wide range of treatment options.

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