Maui Vein Treatment Specialists: Varicose Veins & Exercise
If you have varicose veins, chances are you can answer the question "Do varicose veins have an impact on physical activity and exercise?" yourself, without help from us. Just think back to your activity patterns before you noticed you had varicose veins, and then afterwards. If you're like most people, you will notice that you've been getting less – and in most cases much less – exercise since the swollen, discolored veins first appeared. So why does this happen?
Although many people think varicose veins are "just a cosmetic problem," they have a huge impact on our circulation, and thus on our energy levels
The vein disease that causes varicose veins impairs your circulation, which can lead to painfully swollen legs and ankles, painful cramping and achiness, and chronic weakness and tiredness in your legs. All of these discomforts can tempt you to become a "couch potato" and get less exercise than you previously did. In addition, as your varicose vein treatment specialists in Honolulu can tell you, untreated varicose veins increase your risk of developing much more serious conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, heart attack, and stroke.
But the biggest health risk caused by varicose veins is inactivity itself
A recent article in the respected medical journal The Lancet reported that there is something that kills an estimated 5.3 million people worldwide every year, and that surprisingly, it's inactivity. Inactivity is increasingly being viewed as a public health pandemic, one that kills more people per year than smoking does, because it increases their risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
So if your varicose veins have contributed to making you more inactive, and you're not getting the healthy exercise you once did, there is very little question as to whether they have affected your exercise and physical activity patterns.
What to do about it?
First, see a professional vein care specialist in Hawaii. Get a screening, and find out for sure what the state of your vein health is. Some cases of varicose veins can be treated with conservative measures such as changes in diet, exercise patterns, and lifestyle, plus the wearing of compression stockings to improve circulation. More serious cases can best be treated by removing the diseased veins entirely, because the damaged valves that make a vein varicose cannot be repaired. Fortunately, these days varicose vein removal is a fast and painless process that can be completed in your doctor's offices in about an hour.
If you remember back to how active you were before you got varicose veins, that will give you an idea of how much more active – and thus healthy – you can be after treatment. So call the best vein doctors in Hawaii today at 808-214-5715 and get the ball rolling. You'll be happy you did.
Author Bio: Maui vein treatment specialists discuss physical activity and exercise, and how they can be negatively impacted by untreated varicose veins.
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