Redundancy in Oxford is not to be taken lightly

Author: Smith Jones

Situations in office can turn up pretty bad for the ones who are being dismissed from their position. This might not always be the case but when it comes upon an employee, the troubles of redundancy can affect his/her financial condition. Moreover, the extra efforts applied for the number of days for which the employer is not willing to pay is certainly wrong. Employees who face this might end up deeply depressed. No matter how many days of extra work they did for the company, they are not paid for it due to the authorities above them. However, in most cases this is just because they are being harassed by their employer who feels an unusual enjoyment in seeing the sufferer frustrated. At such times the need of professional help is prudent. Oxford Employment Law is one such firm that has prepared an outstanding team of lawyers to help with redundancy in Oxford and neighbouring regions. The team is fully prepared to keep up with the troubles faced in such situations.

Advice and Defensive approach for care:

Employment advice given to the clients at Oxford Employment Law are skilfully planned after improvising the situation they are in. The case of redundancy in Witney etc. can be handled through the professionals here at the law firm. This is because of the years of experience that they cover up through strict study of the laws. Preparation for the case might take a little time so that every key point is carefully listened through the victim. After that, these lawyers carefully plan their defence points against the offender. This certainly does not mean that they are not well prepared for other areas of employment laws. Through them, one can get complete employment law consultation services.

The following are the various employment law problems faced by clients related to redundancy in Witney etc.:

  • Settlement Agreements (once in the past bargain understandings) see our different page: Settlement Agreements
  • Redundancy issues
  • Maternity, paternity, parental and appropriation rights
  • TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations)
  • Sickness nonappearance/capacity forms
  • Grievances
  • Unfair release/valuable rejection
  • Employment contracts
  • Notice and notification installments
  • Flexible working
  • Breach of agreement – including reward and commission installments
  • Disciplinary methods/execution administration
  • Restrictive agreements and privacy
  • Discrimination and the Equality Act 2010

A service that can offer a free consultation service would certainly be a good one. This is usually to show how confident and experienced they might be in their ways so they show the clients what they are capable of by giving a free demonstration of their expertise. This consultation is carried out through a telephonic conversation mostly so that both parties can be free from applying extra effort to meet each other unless they are sure enough to work together on the situation of redundancy in Oxford. For more info visit: