Treating Common Health Problems Naturally Through Acupuncture

Author: Seasons in Our Life

Humans have always been deeply connected with nature, having their roots in firmly in the soft earth. Ever since evolution began, little by little, mankind started drifting away from nature and her remedies. The fact that for every human ailment there is a natural treatment may sound unbelievable, but it is true. Though because of many years of ignorance, many valuable techniques have been lost over time, some, like Chinese medicine, still remain. Amazingly, many common ailments of the day can be effectively treated with Chinese medicine practices, and not many people know about it.

Steering the discussion towards common ailments of the day, almost everyone is familiar with stress, anxiety and depression. These problems have more to do with mental health and choice of lifestyle. Diet plays an important role, but even more so the thoughts of a person are what impacts health the most. Sleep has become a luxury that the working population does not seem to be able to afford, which results in increased susceptibility to irritability and loss of interest. Labelling these problems as a part of professional work life and career, most people find it instinctive to ignore them. Ignorance in initial stages will certainly lead to a lengthy prescription consisting of anti-depressants and sleeping pills. Side-effects go hand-in-hand with this medication. Acupuncture is an effective tool that can help address these problems at their roots and regain control of your bodily regime.

Acupuncture principle centres on the concept of Qi, or Chi, which is essentially the energy that flows in your body. This energy affects your health conditions directly depending on your interaction with nature and other surroundings. This medical science believes there is a strong connection between the energy of the body and elements of nature. Imbalance and obstruction in the nature of Qi and its flow is what impacts your health, resulting in ailments and diseases. Acupuncture relies on repairing the energy flow in your body, which ultimately leads to cure of or relief in your disease or pain.

There are many pressure points on your body which impact various organs, body parts and functions. If these points somehow end up "blocked" and malfunction, the flow of Qi is hindered. As a result, you experience pain and other problems related to that pressure point. An acupuncture MD knows which points need repair based on the health problem you narrate to him or her.

If you report a problem of insomnia and depression, the acupuncture specialists will strategically insert needles in relevant pressure points. Doing this, results in simulation of different glands in the body which secrete hormones and other chemical substances naturally within the body. This then provides you relief from your ailment. Continuing this for a few sessions may also completely cure you of your insomnia and depression, also preventing its recurrence in the future.

The benefits of acupuncture treatment lie in reduced dependency on modern day oral medicine and its side-effects. Anti-depressants are strong drug and result in additional problems.

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About The Author

Kate Ryan is an expert in Chinese medicine and acupuncture who also likes to write many interesting articles and blogs about the field helping people understand these medical alternatives better. She recommends as the best and most trusted clinic for Acupuncture in Bethesda, MD