How to Make Timelapse Video with Architectural Photographer Sydney

Author: Frank Nelson

Hundreds hours of works will be captured on a camera and can be viewed as a special video of few minutes. Yes, it is the story of the time-lapse video of constructions and any progressing projects. It requires a professional cameraman and a powerful camera plus other essentials. Usually it requires more time than other kinds of photography projects. These creative videos are trending in the commercial sectors and industries like mining, architectural, etc.

Essentials to Make Timelapse Video:

There are three major things you need to know before hiring an architectural photographer for making any time-lapse.

  • Goal – You can do more with the time-lapse videos, right from advertising to legal documentations. Yes, this artwork can be used to promote your construction or any other business creatively. You need to be clear on your personal goals before initiating the process.
  • Budget – It is the most crucial factor and you have to decide on it earlier. Reconsider the purpose of making the video or time-lapse and what will be the outcome. You can make it complete with small or big budget by comparing all the alternatives available.
  • Photographer – You need to hire a professional cameraman to prepare a high quality time lapse. The hired professional will come with all the required gears like tripod, camera, remote timers, timelapse intervalometers, Neutral Density or ND filters, etc.

Alternatives to Hiring Photographer Sydney:

  • DIY – Do It Yourself is considered as the most economical and craziest alternative to paying professional photographers for making time lapse. Most think it is easy, simple and free. But, it requires a decent camera, more time, complex camera setups, and premium video software applications. You need experience in both photography and editing. So, in simple words, DIY is troublesome and not recommended for many of us.
  • Webcam Service – Many companies in the country are now offering timelapse webcam service. Compared to the hired photographers, it is relatively cheap and effortless than DIY. But you may need to negotiate with the quality and most complain they get different video than expected.

Essence of Architectural Time-lapse:

A. Advertising – You can use these videos on different platforms or multiple purposes. Simply presenting among the prospective customers, you sell the building at great prices. You can be noticed by the investors for upcoming projects and much more.

B. Best Quality – You can ask the hired photographer Sydney for High Definition or HD quality time-lapse. Clearer and vivid videos add more sense to your construction on screen.

C. Creative – It is one of the innovative services offered by some professional architectural photographer agencies in the country. You can use it to succeed in the competitive market.

D. Detailed – The timelapse video provides more details compared to the architectural photographs and documentary videos.

E. Ease – You need not to do anything by your own. The photographer will do everything and send you the video to be used in the proper channels timely.

It is one of the best alternatives available in the current market for promoting the business along with many other goals. Time lapse became an innovative advertising or marketing tool for construction businesses.

About Author:-

Frank Nelson is operates a leading photographer Sydney agency and has years of experience in timelapse video. He recommends hiring expert architectural photographer for creating HD time-lapse.