Encouraging fitness for kids

Author: Daniel White

Proper maintenance of a kids’ health is of utmost importance as a healthy kid is not only an asset for the family but also for the Nation. While ensuring proper maintenance of kids’ health it is necessary to focus on the maintenance of mental health of the kids.

Maintenance of physical health: Maintenance of a kid’s physical health begins from the moment of his birth. Physical well-being is primarily concerned with factors including but not limited to vaccination, proper treatment against various diseases, balanced diet, maintenance of personal hygiene etc. Besides, it is also important to ensure clean and hygienic environment around the kids so that they are not easily attacked by germs causing different diseases.

Maintenance of mental health: Like physical health maintenance of mental health of the kids also commence from the moment of their birth. Maintaining mental health of kids is more challenging than the maintenance of their physical well-being. This is because mental health of kids may be affected by large number of factors both indoor and outdoor. Indoor factors include: most importantly the relationship between the parents of the kids, nature of his family (whether broken or unbroken), mental stability and soundness of other members of the kids’ families as the kids learn from everybody around. Moreover, mental state of the kids’ is also dependent on the moral and ethical values which are taught in the early childhood. Besides, the attitude of the parents towards the schooling and overall study of the kids largely affect their mental health.

Outdoor factors affecting mental health of the kids include: most importantly the surrounding circumstances in which the kids are brought up. For instance: treatment of the kids in the school particularly by the teachers and classmates, types of persons with whom the kids are mingling and also the outdoor facilities (like availability of playground, open space) that are enjoyed by the kids. Prevailing violence and unrest around the kids are also adversely affecting their mental and physical stability.

Maintenance of kid’s health in reality: Unfortunately everything around us including our attitude is not apt for the proper maintenance of our kids’ health. Due to reckless urbanization our kids are not provided with lush green environment, open playground which our predecessors used to enjoy. Besides, family violence is the most common feature in almost all the families. Increasing trend of violence by way of newer types of crimes is also making our kids more aggressive, hostile and unsound.

Conclusion: It is necessary to seriously come forward for the proper maintenance of our kids’ health in keeping pace with modern methods (like parents counseling, child counseling etc). This is because today’s kid is the future of the Nation. Hence, if we want to develop a healthy nation, it is indispensable to maintain kids’ health properly.