A Guide to Mobile Pet Dental Services

Author: Harrison Foy

The teeth of your pet are also prone to diseases and oral cavities just like those of human beings. There are various conditions that can affect the oral health of your pet. These include gingivitis, tooth decay and periodontal disease. Some of the signs of gum disease in pets include:

  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding gums
  • Excessive salivation
  • Loss of teeth
  • Poor appetite
  • Pain when chewing

Instead of waiting for these signs to occur, it is important to provide your pet good preventative dental care. It is possible to control or prevent most of these diseases when proper oral health care is started at a young age and continued throughout the entire lifetime of the pet. The bacteria that causes plaque tend to colonize the teeth causing the buildup of calculus and tartar leading to periodontal diseases. This buildup of huge amounts of bacteria on the teeth is known to cause infection of the tonsils, upper respiratory track, pneumonia or even heart attack. To maintain the oral health of your pet, you will need to put in place a combination of home and veterinary dental care measures.

Routine dental cleaning of your pet's teeth can be done at home and should include daily or weekly brushing to get rid of plaque. It is possible to train your pet to accept brushing of teeth. This should be done in a quiet place. You should also be patient and gentle to the pet. While it may take time for the pet to be used to the idea, there are various benefits. It is recommended that you should use a soft and bristled toothbrush. If the animals will not accept a toothbrush, you can try wrapping a piece of gauze around your finger.

It is worth noting that human toothpaste can upset the stomach of the animal. Therefore, use toothpaste that is specially made for the pet. Apply a small amount on the gauze or toothbrush and brush the outer surface of the teeth gently. It is possible to do this without necessarily having to open the mouth of the pet. This is because the inside surface of the teeth can be cleaned quite well by the tongue. However, for some animals, you will need to brush the inside surface too.

Regular dental examinations are a key part of monitoring the pet dental care program. After the dental examination in the mobile veterinary clinic, the vet may recommend the professional cleaning of the pet’s teeth. This could include anesthesia, scaling and polishing of the teeth. Digital radiography and restorative dentistry may also be necessary. Professional dental examinations should be scheduled every six months depending on the oral health of the pet. You should bear in mind that the teeth of your pet plays an important role in its overall well being and health. With proper dental care, it will be possible for you to maintain the health of your pet's gums and teeth.