Writing Tips For MBA Admission Essay

Author: John Kelly

It is important to remember that all the examples that you see should not blindly copied to your essay. Plagiarism is a very bad thing, and that the most important thing - to quickly identify the members of selection committees. Write your own unique essay! So, let's begin.

Step One. Who reads the essay? If you imagine the members of the committee dry, pompous and humourless people, then your essay is likely to receive the same. If you do not know your audience - it is difficult to please. Basic information about your audience can be gleaned from sites business school. You can always find a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) with answers to them. Also, try to find an interview with the heads of admissions, they can tell you a lot.

Step Two. Selection process. No need to mystify the process of selection as something that defies logical understanding. The process of viewing documents in all business schools debugged and perfected over the years to automatism.

At first all the documents falls to one or two members of the commission and they read them once full. This means that your documents will never be immediately set aside, based on only one factor, such as ball GPA or GMAT. This means that no matter how good or bad you passed the test, your essay is still paying due attention.

The selection committee is spending ten to forty minutes on your essay. On single day, the Commission cannot read hundreds of essays. That is why those who read the essay is very good "hand stuffed" and can quickly determine where a boring essay, and where an excellent one.

After been given to the applicant with a small amount of time, it documents falls into one of three baskets, 'take "," refuse "," not clear."

The opinion of the selection committee: usually when we read an essay for the first time, our main task is to assign or not to assign an essay status "outstanding essays."

However, there are two options - "outstanding-good" and "bad-outstanding".

If your documents hit the basket "is not clear," it will give to another member of the commission, after which the situation is usually clear. If the essay rated as "accept", then it is transferred directly to the dean. If he agrees, too - the process is over in your favour. The rest of the essay, and they are usually 75%, falls into the category for clarification. Then the process repeats until a clear answer to all packages of documents and essays. And the longer your documents remain in the basket "is not clear," the more your figures on tests and experience are similar to the rest of the group of students. And in this case - the only thing that can help you - it is a bright, releasing your essay.

Step Three. What the commission is looking for in your essay? The first time you see your set of documents, each member of the selection committee asks himself almost the same questions:

Will the bidder succeed in school?

  • Does it bring something new to the classroom?
  • How the candidate looks at the background of all applicants?

And for all as long as the commission is reading your essay, you should be able to convince them that you just created for the school. Further elements - it's just a transcript described above thesis.

  1. Compliance with the proposed answer the question. It does not matter what question you write the answer, you should always ask yourself the following "control" questions: the answer I proposed on the issue? Clearly I expressed my point of view? Was it all that is written in a clear and understandable language, if there was any error during the writing? When you have finished the essay, check again that you have demonstrated your motivation, interest is given to the school, indicated at least two or three qualities that distinguish you from the total number of candidates, provided at least one clear and compelling argument why the school has to choose you.
  2. Ability to clearly express their thoughts. The essay should clearly demonstrate your ability to express ideas clearly both in writing and through logical reasoning. The opinion of the selection committee: Your essay should not be the work of the future winner of the literary prize. It must be an essay written a manager-manager, no more. That is - a clear, logical, interesting.
  3. Be yourself. Do not try to make himself absolutely the right candidate. The selection committee is looking for something interesting, lively, something that can show your personality in all its manifestations. They want to see a living person behind the numbers which is full of your documents.
  4. Personalize the essay as possible. Try not to use phrases that are simply filled with all the essays - the leader, team spirit, etc. Demonstrate all this with concrete examples in the essay. The Commission will deal, the name of this quality, to be sure. General essay is very boring to read, believe me.
  5. Details, details, details. I think that comment is superfluous. This is what differentiates you from any other person. This is the colour in the painting called life. Cost only to add that all of the parts list, you need to choose the most interesting, the most "juicy".
  6. What is interesting, maybe even fun. The ability to successfully make a joke in the essay - a big plus. However, make sure never joking over religion, national characteristics and other "controversial" moments.
  7. Honesty. This point must be carried out without exception. Remember, if at any time in the school, something pops up - you can just lose his seat. Moreover, during your interview, you will be very easy to expose. And remember that some members of the admissions after 10 years of reading the essay, just intuitively, who is lying and who is not.
  8. An interesting form. You can exercise this right by writing an essay in one of the forms of - life stories, stories with reflections about a subject, and the third - a light, slightly cheerful, almost informal style stories. In these approaches, we will discuss later.