Daniel Chammas - The Changing Face of America's Legal System

Author: John Smith

The legal system here in the United States has changed dramatically over the past 40 years. In some ways for the better, and in some for the worse. Originally, the law was meant to help protect people and bring order and justice, but now, more than ever, innocent people are being held victim by it. Each year, hundreds-of-thousands of people become entangled in the bureaucracy of the civil court system. Most of them are caught up in disputes that involve a broken promise, or revenge for an emotional wrong. The majority of them got into a bad situation and chose to opt out of legal representation because that can't afford it.

When a client who is already stressed from the state of the current legal system arrives in a lawyer's office, they tend to already be overwhelmed and confused. Some experts feel that the role of lawyers today should not be to "bail out" their clients but instead to educate. These people need a solution, and help, to break free from the legal system's vicious cycle of delay, expense and frustration. It's okay for people to look to the legal system to resolve a dispute, but the complexity and the slowness of the current system can be intimidating. What some people fail to realize is that there are other ways to settle legal problems outside of the court. These methods include mediation, arbitration, and alternative dispute resolution (ADR). These methods are faster, easier, less expensive and less time-consuming than traditional civil litigation.

There needs to be a shift in the way lawyers, judges, courts and legislatures view the forum for dispute resolution. It's through reconsidering other avenues for settling disagreements that our legal system can be more viable. Our legal system was founded on equal access and justice for all — not just for those who can afford representation. Those without financial means should have impartial advice as well.

Law professionals such as Daniel Chammas are leaders in litigation. They also champion the ability to settle disputes out of court. The new era of law relies on the expertise of seasoned lawyers who can add practical knowledge — information that extends beyond legal knowledge of the torts and statutes of the state, to educate society. Through years of education and experience, lawyers like Daniel Chammas have a built up a wealth of knowledge when it comes to preventative steps and proactive solutions that can be effective in avoiding or resolving many disputes.