Loren Israel: The Man behind Success of Numerous Bands and Artists

Author: Liyo Josef

The music industry is growing enormously and there is a large bunch of musicians and artists who are looking for their first record deal. A record deal normally does not land on people’s laps, a band or an artist has to work very hard with their on-stage performance, demo recording, demo packaging and manager to land a good record deal. Landing a record deal is not the major task. The important task is to land a record deal which has added opportunities to tour along other bands and artists so one can acquire a larger audience. Number of musicians who try to get in the touring and performing business face a lot of problems, one of the main issues which these musicians face is not having a clear goal about where they want to reach. The one person who has helped number of alternative and soft rock bands to reach their ultimate goal is Loren Israel. Loren is a songwriter, producer, teacher, and a known martial artist. Loren mostly provides his assistance to bands and musicians who know what they are looking for and can visualize their goals with clarity.

With a number of bands who gain popularity every day, people hope to watch themselves attain the same targets. Finding a problem solver is necessary who can guide one through the lengthy task of recording, production and guiding through the complex task of landing a perfect record deal. Loren Israel is the perfect example of a person who has been helping his clients with most remarkable solutions and tips to enter the circle with ease and provide them with immense support to attain their personal banding goals.

Notable musicians and bands who received immense support and fame as they worked with Loren Israel are Neon Trees, 2Am, The Unlikely Candidates, Jimmy Eat World, Sugar Cult, Alex Ship, Plain White Ts being the most remarkable artists Loren Israel has worked with to help them attain higher levels of fame and better assistance to get there. Loren Israel has been a well known producer and recording person who can help any band or group of musicians to find the best solution for their musical and banding needs. Finding a person as dedicated as Loren Israel is hard and under his assistance major artists have found labels and most feasible assistance for their banding careers.