Selmer Hanson - Ten Qualities of Effective Leaders

Author: John Smith

Becoming an effective leader requires more than just hard work. You need to develop specific qualities in order to function effectively.

Highly effective leaders are:

1. Confident

Effective leaders are confident and positive about themselves. Employees are easily drawn to them because they impart a strong sense of self-assurance. Effective leaders do not shy away from responsibilities and challenges. They are committed to a purpose and they never waver from it. They stay calm even during difficult circumstances.

2. Influential communicators

Effective leaders communicate in a persuasive manner. They have a skill for conferring the right messages at the appropriate time. Endeavor to convey messages that motivate, inspire, and console. Your messages should also be direct when needed.

3. Sensitive and receptive to others

Effective leaders are very sensitive and they have a natural feel for the needs of their workers. They have a deep understanding of what drives their workers and they exhibit an honest sympathy towards their welfare.

4. Determined

Highly effective leaders see things through to fulfillment. They pay attention to details, and they keep the bigger picture in mind. They pay close attention to those things they believe will help them to accomplish their objectives. They don't surrender effortlessly when things don't go in their direction.

5. Supportive

Highly effective leaders have true concern for the well being and welfare of the individuals they work with. They guide and support their employees through challenges.

6. Distinguished

Highly effective leaders are people who show others how it is done. They dress appropriately and speak wisely.

7. Responsible

These leaders assume liability for their employees’ performance. When things are done well, they commend their employees’ efforts openly. When issues emerge, they find means to settle things rapidly and get things back on track. They take absolute responsibilities and they do not assign blame to others.

8. Optimistic

Those people lighten up the workplace with their enthusiasm. They avoid thoughtless and reckless actions. Also, they look for ways to excite and energize their workers and make the work enjoyable for the entire team.

9. Trustworthy

Highly effective leaders are trustworthy. They treat individuals how they themselves like to be treated. They win the respect of their people through their honest conducts.

10. Organized

Highly effective leaders are well organized. They set clear goals and develop precise strategies to achieve them.

They lead not just with their head, but also with their heart.

Selmer Hanson is a certified leadership coach. He has a keen interest in leadership development, grief care, life transitions, and personal coaching. He also likes sports and music.