Uninterruptible Power Supplies provide Consistent Power during Critical Situations
Power supply is a vital necessity to keep the electrical appliances and devices run smoothly. Unwanted power cuts or voltage spikes can make the sensitive device dysfunctional. Most of the businesses greatly rely on these electronic devices for their operations and production needs. To maintain the operational efficiency, businesses need to install Uninterruptible Supplies and maintain the pace of production.
The uninterruptible electricity supply is needed for efficient functioning of all kind of electronic units ranging from machineries, computer systems, telephone networks and data storage units. To fulfill the supply needs, there are different types of UPS systems available in the market. The powerful supply systems are specially designed to maintain resiliency in business. With intervention of numerous technological features, the UPS systems tend to reduce system downtime, increase protection as well as personal safety.
Different types of UPS available in the Market:
The two basic types of uninterruptible power supply systems available in the market are a continuous UPS and a standby UPS.
- The continuous UPS provides constant source power to the computer from the charged battery. This protects the sensitive computer device from sudden breakdown and the device operates smoothly until the battery remains charged. The continuous Uninterruptible Power Supplies consists of three major components; a battery, a battery charger and a power inverter. The battery charger is connected to the mains and it helps in charging of the UPS battery. The charged battery in turn supplies alternate power to the computer and other electrical appliances connection with the UPS system. The power inverter helps in conversion of the voltage of the DC power to the standard voltage as required by the computer system. As the power supply is interrupted, the battery provides constant source of power to the inverter and gives sufficient time to the user so that he can save his work and shut down the system properly.
- A standby power supply unit only operates in case of power fails. As the power supply gets interrupted the standby UPS turns on the power inverter and supplies alternate power to the critical devices. Standby power generators are ideally suited for home or small business enterprises. Standby power supply units are much cheaper than the continuous UPS systems.
Functioning of Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems:
Uninterruptible Power Supply or UPS is a vital device that supplies alternate current when the main source of power is not working. The continuous source of electricity helps in maintaining the pace of production and prevents circumstances of interruptions or data loss. Uninterruptible Power Supplies are considered as the mediator between the source of power and the electrical appliances. The sensitive electrical devices are directly connected to the Uninterruptible Power Supply unit. The AC current helps to charge the battery of the UPS system. As the main source of power is cut, the US system changes the DC into AC and supplies current to the appliances. Nowadays the modern UPS system is designed with the integrated power surge protectors, which safeguards the delicate devices from voltage spikes or surges.
Whether power disturbances or how much energy you use, Riello UPS has developed a range of solutions and software that enable you to make informed decisions regarding your power consumption, usage and protection.