Tanzania Holiday Safaris & Tours provide Awesome Experience of the World’s Popular Safari Circuit

Author: Chris Gayle

Tanzania safari tour is precisely planned according to travelers’ budget limit and specific preferences. Such safari trips are best way to explore some of the picturesque locations and wildlife beasties of African forest. Travelers willing to avail a signature safari trip can choose an existing itinerary and personalize the complete safari trip accordingly. Reputed tour operators can make the requisite changes and make the trip most adventurous and thrilling.

Explore the different picturesque locations of Tanzania:

The popular destination of Tanzania is a land of geographical extremes. The vastly spread region hosts the highest peak in Africa - the Mighty Kilimanjaro and also the lowest point - the lake bed of Lake Tanganyika. The country is also surrounded by the largest lake of Africa known as Lake Victoria. Tanzania is also popular for its spectacular white sandy beaches that make the traveler feel amused and excited. Travelers willing to enjoy the thrilling experience of wildlife safari trip can find two distinct safari circuits in Tanzania. The two distinct safari circuits are the northern and southern circuits.

The Northern Circuit comprises of the popular Serengeti National Park, which is home to number of wildlife species including hippopotamus, buffalo, waterbuck, crocodile, cheetahs, lions, leopards, elephants, zebra, gazelle, warthogs, and wildebeest. The region celebrates an annual event known as The Great Wildebeest, which is the major attraction amongst tourists. Tarangire National Park is also located along the northern circuit of Tanzania and the park is named after the Tarangire River. The vast spread park has a huge population of wildlife species especially elephants. The park is birdwatchers' paradise, as it is home to 570 bird species. The southern circuit of Tanzania comprises of the Ruaha National Park and Selous Game Reserve.

The most favorable period to enjoy the popular Tanzania safari trip lies between January to February.The period marks the end of the winter season and the weather is comparatively cool and pleasant. During this climate, travelers can get a glimpse of Wildebeest, Zebra and Buffalo migrating along the grazing areas of the forest.

Why to seek professional guidance from experienced tour operators?

Many tour operators organize the Tanzania holiday safaris and tours in a well-organized manner. The experienced tour operators can assist the travelers to enjoy their safari trip in most hassle-free way. They make the complete travel arrangement including accommodation, travel tickets, visa, insurance and safari trip. Some of the essential services offered by the reputed tour operators include:

  • Budget camping safari
  • Customized safari
  • Coast safari
  • Golf safari
  • Luxury camping safari
  • Travel group services

To enjoy the amazing experience of the adventurous safari trip, it is best to take professional guidance from the experienced tour operators, as they are more aware of the safari norms and regulations.

For making Tanzania Holiday Safaris & Tours, visit our Ababa Uganda Safaris tour company.