Biometric Authentication – A Basic Guide to Understanding the Concept

Author: Benson Hedge

The world today needs new and improved ways to feel secure. No matter how much we try, our security systems will eventually prove to be unable to cope with the current state of crime and terrorism that is prevalent worldwide. The best approach that can be taken is preventing incidences even before they occur. Biometric authentication is simply the logical next step in this direction.

For those who are yet unaware of the concept, biometric authentication is a highly developed process of monitoring and authenticating the identity of an individual with respect to the physical attributes and behavioral characteristics. Advanced computing technology and highly accurate data collection systems have helped in developing fail-proof systems of identity management and authentication, lending a much-needed extra layer of security to organizations in today’s world. This is also an effective tool for companies looking to safeguard their data in a world where corporate espionage happens to be an everyday affair.

The fact that this technology relies on biometrics makes it more accurate than any other authentication mechanism available in the market today. Access cards can be stolen and passwords can be hacked but you simply cannot change one’s fingerprint, voice modulation and retinal patterns. Biometric identity management has therefore emerged as a highly secure system for providing access rights to employees, making it a preferred choice for organizations worldwide. Over the years; biometrics will essentially replace every other form of accessibility checks and identity tracking, ensuring improved security and monitoring.

The natural question that follows is what types of factors are used to give effect to biometric authentication? These days, security systems rely on not one or two, but a combination of multiple metrics to accurately establish the identity of a person.

  • Fingerprints – these biometrics have long been utilized as identity markers by law and order as well as forensic teams. But modern biometric authentication systems have brought this format into the realm of common use with many companies making use of this technology to grant access to employees.
  • Voice modulation – This system is quite different from speech recognition. With this biometric authentication method, the identity of a person is verified based on a specific voice pattern that is pre-recorded, and not any particular statement.
  • Retinal scans – The eye of a person is scanned to determine patterns that are unique to that individual. This offers an advanced level of security as the biometric in use in this scenario is nearly impossible to imitate.
  • Face recognition - This method uses distinct facial features in verifying a person, including cheekbone area, eye socket outlines, sides of mouth, and location of nose and eyes.

Most biometric authentication systems make use of a combination of the above markers for an accurate establishment of identity and added security. Depending upon the specific needs of your enterprise, you can select the one that best provides the features and level of security that you are after. Visit to learn more.

About The Author

Benson Hedge is a pioneer in the field of biometric authentication and runs his own organization manufacturing security systems relating to this technology. He also likes to spread awareness about the many aspects related to the industry through the many informative articles he writes.