Turquoise Stone Meaning and Uses

Author: Vishwa Tyagi

The mysterious turquoise stone is found in several combinations of beautiful shades of green and blue. It is available in great abundance and probably this is the reason why this stone is reasonably priced. The stone is produced in large quantity in several parts of the world such as Afghanistan, China, Egypt, France, Iran, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Russia, Tibet, and United States. This stone is associated with the planets of Venus and Neptune. This stone suits people who belong to the zodiac signs of Pisces, Sagittarius, and Scorpio.

What are the benefits of this stone?

Turquoise blesses its wearers with good luck against adverse situations, people and experiences. This is probably the only reason why these have been used extensively as amulets since time immemorial. In the past many people have used the stone by placing it on the area of the third eye, as this is known to enhance person’s intuition and concentration. People who meditate and do dhyan regularly draw a lot of energy and wisdom through this practice. Also, if this stone is placed on the throat chakra, it is said to liberate the person from his/her past deeds, reservations and inhibitions. Also, this stone helps a person communicate his/her innermost feelings.

It is believed that this stone changes its colour (or shade) when the wearer will be destined to find himself in a vulnerable position or bad situation. This stone changes its colour so that the person becomes cautious of the danger that lies ahead. A turquoise stone works exceptionally well when a near one is thinking of being disloyal. This stone also enhances one’s spiritual side and connects the person with his/her true physical and spiritual world.

A turquoise has been worn by actor Salman Khan in form of a bracelet. This stone is said to liberate one from negativity that comes in front of the person in form of situations, stress, commitments, deadlines and relationships. This stone is known to bless the person with problem resolving ability, creativity, and enhanced communication skills. Also, a turquoise stone wearer remains attentive of his/her surroundings, and also accordingly forms his educated and attentive views and opinions about others. This stone promotes and nurtures love and care among partners in love.

Healing Effects

Turquoise birthstone is definitely a healer. It increases immunity, brings overall physical benefit to all its wearers and helps the entire body work positively. This stone stimulates the person’s immune system and helps the body function better.

This stone cures people of illnesses such as asthma, depression, dental problems, excessive alcoholism and high blood pressure, panic attacks, exhaustion, and problems pertaining to low energy levels.

This article has been written and posted by a astrologer who working with gempundit.com(A Gemstones online shopping store). He gives information on turquoise stones strologicals benefits and tell how to buy turquoise stone online and how to wear turquoise stone.