Market Research Strategies For The Healthcare Industry

Author: Pharma Trak

Importance of research in any field cannot be neglected, no matter how small or insignificant the task may seem. Let’s take an example of a LED TV set you want to buy. You’ll research – it is natural to – for the kind of products available, the variety and price range, the companies that are selling them, the size and picture quality and other stuff like that, before deciding on which one you want to buy. In the same way, industries and businesses also perform market research to improve their sales, receiving feedback and improvement. This market research is a very important tool in pinpointing the rivals in business and formulating strategies to counter the competition.

Healthcare market research, in the same way, needs professionals that can identify what parameters to analyze in the context of healthcare industry. Marketing research requires two kinds of researches to be done – qualitative and quantitative. While most would determine that a quantitative research is more informative, the qualitative part is also not any less important. Both go hand-in-hand. Numbers can only tell you so much – although they don’t lie – but you need to know about preferences and behavioural patterns in order to tally the numbers. If numbers tell you how much of what was sold, the "why" it was sold will be told by qualitative research. The root of sales is the answer to this "why", and it will become the answer to your sales problems as well. Healthcare market research companies have many tools and software at their disposal which can be effectively utilized to land at firm results. Your company will need these results for optimization of the products in order to suit consumer preferences and address their needs. Some of these techniques can be readily named – observational techniques, projective techniques, synectics, etc. The observational technique is as obvious as the name itself – you sit in the corner of a room with a hat drawn over your face, hiding behind a newspaper and observing who buys what. Saying it this way makes it sound clandestine, which it is not. It is the simplest way of finding out which product is being purchased most. The next method is projective technique, in which you directly engage with a customer who has purchased something and interview him. This way you get to know what he prefers and why. You can perform this exercise on as many people as you like.

Medical device market research may have a different set of tools involved, given the nature of merchandise being bought. Of course a patient will not purchase the entire CT scan machine if he needs a scan. Here, the companies follow different methodologies. They also take up forecasting for the pharmaceutical industry which helps the manufacturer to understand how much of which product he needs to put his money into if huge losses are to be avoided.

Research is an inevitable necessity required to run a manufacturing process efficiently. To know more about pharmaceutical market research, visit

About The Author

Nora Adams is an expert when it comes to the world of healthcare product companies. She also writes many articles and blogs with various facts and data to help anyone looking for more information on the subject. She recommends as the best name to trust if you need assistance with pharmaceutical market research.