Everything about Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee
This is one of the major classification of coffee. It is grown in the Blue Mountains, in Jamaica. The speciality of this coffee is that it is very mild in flavour and also that it is not bitter at all. This coffee is a very expensive coffee and also it is the one that is cherished by people all over the world. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee also owns a certification mark that is given to it by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica and also no other coffee can be called by this name without the permission of the Board. The Blue Mountains are one of the highest mountains in the Caribbean. This place is very ideal for the growth of the coffee as there is a perfect combination of high rainfall and also very cool and misty climate with an excellent soil to grow the coffee. That is why in this region, we get the best coffee of the world.
A lot of people have tasted the coffee and also other coffees around the world, and according to them the origin plays a very important role in contributing to the taste of the coffee. It does make a difference to it. And that is the reason the Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is one of the most expensive in the world. But, one person has to make sure that the coffee is 100% pure before consuming it. 100% pure coffee is exported only from Jamaican Board. The Jamaican Board is very particular when selecting the beans to be exported and they make sure that they are unique and also good in size and colour. The samples are roasted by them so that they make sure that the coffee was processed properly. Also, the unique climate and also the location makes a very great coffee and that is why the place holds a lot of significance for the growing of the coffee. The whole are where the Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is grown is the fully mountainous region and it is also located at a great height. Shade is also a very important requirement while the coffee is grown and this requirement is taken care of by the forest area which cover almost 85% of the area of the mountains. All these factors add up to the making of the best coffee in the world.
The Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is grown from a particular species of the coffee called as the Arabica species. Elevation is also a very important factor when it comes to the cultivation of the coffee, it should be between 1,800 to 5,500 feet. As altitude is also very important because higher altitude leads to the production of the beans that are denser in nature. And then that denser bean will only make a rich cup of coffee. The maturation period also has to be very long so that the coffee that is produced has a very good aroma and also it tastes good. The taste of the coffee is very well balanced and also it is low in acidity.