1Z0-574, Oracle IT Architecture Release 3 Essentials Exam
Have you ever thought of getting some of Oracle certification? These certifications are much beneficial than you had expected them to be. Passing them may seem to be a daunting task but as soon as you are able to get through it then you can improve your chances to becoming a certified.
The Oracle IT Architecture Release 3 Essentials has become quite popular among those who are looking forward to get a certification in their hand. This exam can help you develop skills in defining solutions that will be perfect for your business environment. You can learn how to design, develop, document and deliver the architectures solutions. With the 1Z0-574 certification, you will be able to learn: Oracle Reference Architecture Overview, Application Infrastructure, Integration, Engineering, Management and Monitoring, Service Orientation, User Interaction
This exam is meant for the senior level IT architectures. If you are wishing to take this test, then make sure that have updated training as well as experience in the field. That’s the only way the certification will help you and that’s the only way you are going to pass it.
More about the Oracle IT Architecture Release 3 exam:
The 1Z0-574 certification is available to all candidates. However, it is specially meant for the Oracle partner network members. The OPN members after getting this certification will be called the OPN certifiedspecialists. This will enable their organizations to quality for the specialization in Oracle IT Architecture Release 3.
The time given to complete the test will be 150 minutes.
102 number of questions will be there in the test.
The passing score set for this exam is 93 percent
The topics covered in the exam include:
Overview of the IT strategies from oracle
Overview of oracle reference architecture
Application infrastructure
Service orientation
User interaction
Management and monitoring
The oracle library has got plenty of training and reference materials available that can let you prepare for the test. The test will not be that easy. Hands on experience will count a lot in passing the test. It is recommended to search the past tests for this exam. This will let you know what kind of questions will be asked in the test. Without preparation, there will be no way you are going to pass this test. Also, take the help of someone you know who has already given the test.
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