Donating to the NGOs for Blind & Visually Impaired!

Author: Ashu Agarwa

Humans are one of the rare species that are given multiple ways to tackle life in the most convenient manner. We are given the ability to see, feel, touch and understand the most complex of phenomena in the world. However, there are a lot of people who are not fortunate enough to experience the natural joys of life or the basic necessities such as eye sight. These are those who are born with a vision disability or for some reason, lose their ability to see in the course of life. While it may be the cruel fate of life that people suffer from blindness or vision impairment, it is up to the healthy to make a difference for them and help those in need. This is one of the reasons why NGO for blind in India have been running and institutes are formed to make a difference in the lives of those who need it. NGOs build and run themselves for the benefit of the needy, but there are times when the NGOs need support and help in the process of functioning.

It is in times when the NGOs need to be supported that philanthropists can prove to be the guardian angels for the blind and the visually impaired. There is a general belief that it is because of NGOs that the people in need are taken care of, while the truth is that the NGOs serve as a medium to be of help to those who need it. The medium is actually run and supported by kind hearts who know or understand the feelings of the blind. Supporting a NGO for blind in Mumbai is a way of showing how the givers realize their responsibility towards the society. The busy and fast pace of life in the city makes the common people forget that they owe their happiness to the grace of God and that those who are less privileged need to be supported too. By carrying out a humane action, not only do the philanthropists collect good deeds in their own favor but also stand out as an example for those who need a push in the right direction.

Busy lives and hectic schedules, often take people away from the social truths of life, when this is realized and people start making the time and effort for those who are less endowed than themselves, the world truly becomes a better place to live in. The responsibility and the drive to do something without thinking about a benefit, a selfless action to help those who do not have the same basic luxuries in life is a lesson that when learnt in life, serves as the biggest motivator to do well and build a happy environment.