F2i- Fondi italiani per le infrastrutture has been founded in 2007 with the aim of improving Italian infrastructural situation, in order to make it reach a high level, which can turn out to be competitive with the European and international situations in this sector.
History and features of F2i - Fondi italiani per le infrastrutture F2i - Fondi italiani per le infrastrutture is the SGR (Savings Managing Society) born in 2007 in partnership with institutions, credit institutes, international banks, banking foundations and public welfare funds. It turns out to be the major closed-end fund in Italy, while in Europe it appears to be among the biggest ones. The main objective this Fund was created for is the one of improving Italian infrastructural asset, in order to make it be competitive with European and international realities. F2i - Fondi italiani per le infrastrutture investments have their goal in different sectors, such as infrastructures, transportation, water, gas and energy dispatch, telecommunications and media, waste managing, health, public services and social infrastructures. The current CEO, appointed in October 2014, is Renato Ravanelli, while Bernardo Bini Smaghi, appointed in 2015, is its President. The creation of the First Fund happened in 2007, while the creation of the Second Fund happened in 2012. Both of them have an expiration period of 15 years.
The results gained by F2i - Fondi italiani per le infrastrutture The importance of F2i - Fondi italiani per le infrastrutture can be calculated by the results it gains at the end of each fiscal year. Taking into consideration 2014 performances, it can be noticed how positive they are, in terms of economic returns and potential results that it can be possible to foresee. These results have been released during a meeting of Member Board, that took place in March 2015. As far as the First Fund is concerned, in 2014 it managed to get a gain, that amounts to 110.3 million Euro, whose benefits amount to 104.4 million Euro of shares deriving from participating societies, and the amount of 19.5 million Euro coming from net capital gain. First Fund's initial resources gathering amount to 1,852 million Euro and it turns out to be completely allocated. As far as the Second Fund is concerned, it shows interesting gains, even though it still is gathering economic resources. At the end of 2014 this Fund's total profits amount to 9.9 million Euro, of which 9.8 million Euro derive from participating societies shares. To those, 11.5 million Euro of net capital gain can be added. The final gathering target amount to 1,200 million Euro and the amount gathered so far is 775 million Euro. Both Funds' aim is the one to cover an important role, such as a point of reference for every infrastructural realities belonging to whatsoever sector, in both private and public context. To do so, it is important to promote privatization processes, as well as to get national and international investors in contact. During this meeting, the occasion to appoint F2i - Fondi italiani per le infrastrutture's new President, Bernardo Bini Smaghi, has been taken.
For further information on F2i - Fondi italiani per le infrastrutture, please visit the Wikipedia page dedicated to it.