Natural Solution for Frühzeitiger Samenerguss (premature ejaculation)

Author: Vikram Kumar

The problem of premature ejaculation is quite embarrassing for men and is a turn-off for most women. That is why men ought to keep this problem to him, because he is afraid to be labeled. Most men who have this kind of problem have low self-esteem and lack the confidence to face the world. Men are naturally aggressive when it comes to sex and it is natural for them to länger durchhalten (last longer). Some man measures his self-worth through his sexual libido. The greater he can perform in bed, the better he is! But what about those guys with sexual problems like frühzeitiger samenerguss (premature ejaculation)?

How are they going to measure their self-worth when they couldn’t even measure up! Men suffering from frühzeitiger samenerguss (premature ejaculation) tend to be depressed and lose confidence. They think that because they are not sexually active and can no longer perform in bed, they are useless. There are many ways to cure premature ejaculation. The main problem here is that men who are suffering from this condition choose to suffer in silence! They are afraid to come out of their shells to address the issue and talk to the doctors about their illness.

Married men who are embarrassed to speak to medical doctors must do something for him to solve this problem. If he is married, he must explain to his wife what he’s going through. Communication is very important for a couple undergoing the problem of premature ejaculation. Both of them should support each other in the pursuit of finding a cure. There are natural ways to solve the problems of premature ejaculation. If you are interested to do it with your wife, you may try the process one by one.

Before a sexual intercourse, try to do some breathing exercises. Focus on your breathing alone. You may also want to masturbate before sexual intercourse. The goal here is to delay orgasm during the actual intercourse. You can masturbate several hours before intercourse. Try the different positions and experiment which position is much enjoyable for both of you. And will keep your erection longer. You may also try the stop and continue method.

For example, try to have enough time to engage yourself in foreplay by just kissing and touching each other. Then go through the process of penetration. Before you reach orgasm, withdraw from your partner and rest for a while. You may start all over again with foreplay and after stimulating each other, you may go on with your intercourse. Until you reach the peak of climax. You can do this again and again. This will help you to keep your erection länger durchhalten (last longer) to avoid premature ejaculation. Men are naturally wild in terms of sexual intercourse and they are more interested in it than women, it is but natural for them to last longer and to have the urge to go through the intercourse eagerly. If things went on the other way around, their ego will be affected and it will result in low self-esteem.

Men are naturally aggressive when it comes to sex and it is natural for them to länger durchhalten (last longer). Some man measures his self-worth through his sexual libido. The greater he can perform in bed, the better he is! But what about those guys with sexual problems like frühzeitiger samenerguss (premature ejaculation)?