A Day in the Life of an NC Vein Doctor

Author: Nick Johnson

So what is a typical day in the life of an NC vein doctor? Dr. Ray Workman of Novant Health Vein Specialists describes a day at the office, revealing the wide range of vein health issues and the effective, minimally invasive solutions he has to offer his patients.

What do Winston-Salem residents need to know about the causes and potential consequences of vein disease?

Dr. Workman explains that many patients come to his vein treatment center in NC with misperceptions about both the causes and the treatments of vein disease. For example, many patients arrive believing that vein disease is merely a cosmetic problem brought on by age. These patients have been reluctant to do anything to treat their varicose veins, mistakenly believing that they should simply "live with it" and that vein disease is simply an inevitable consequence of getting older. Dr. Workman explains that vein disease is actually a medical problem, related to the deterioration of the tiny valves inside our veins, which ensure that our blood moves properly upward from the feet to the heart. When those valves don’t work properly, the blood can pool in the legs, ankles and feet, leading to the development of varicose veins and the potential for more serious problems down the road. These problems can include pain, aching, and skin ulcers, as well as the risk of deep vein thrombosis or potentially deadly blood clots.

Once patients at the Winston-Salem vein clinic understand the importance of treatment, Dr. Workman has a range of effective, minimally invasive treatments to offer them. Minimally invasive treatments require only a needle stick or a tiny incision that heals without scarring. These procedures include sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy, and endovenous laser treatments, all of which can be performed at his comfortable NC vein treatment center on an outpatient basis. This means all patients are out and back at their usual activities the very same day as the treatment – in much less than a day, in fact.

So what does a typical patient experience the first day with Dr. Workman?

The first step to taking advantage of the services of one of the best vein doctors in NC is a venous health evaluation at the clinic. This process takes about an hour and includes a medical and family history, a visual examination of your legs, and a painless ultrasound exam to visualize the veins deep beneath the skin. Then, Dr. Workman can provide you with the best treatment options for your specific situation. Together you’ll choose a treatment plan that works with your busy schedule and that meets both your aesthetic goals and your health objectives.

To get started, just call us at 336-245-4890 to set up an initial appointment. You’ll find a day (or less) spent with Dr. Workman very worthwhile indeed, as we help you choose the best way to restore the health and beauty of your legs. We look forward to meeting you.

Article Bio: An NC vein doctor describes his work in the course of a typical day helping patients choose the best solutions for their vein health.

For more information: www.salemveins.com