Chin Liposuction for a Sculpted Jaw Line

Author: Carl White

The chin plays a decisive role as far as facial aesthetics is concerned. Weight fluctuations, genetics and aging causes the accumulation of fat in the neck and chin area, giving rise to a double chin. Facial balance and symmetry can be enhanced with chin liposuction surgery. Today, plastic surgeons provide minimally-invasive surgical procedures using advanced laser technology to help men and women achieve a sculpted jaw line.

Chin Liposuction with SmartLipo Triplex

SmartLipo Triplex is an FDA-approved minimally invasive workstation from Cynosure. This workstation combines the power of three lasers that work to melt fat, reduce bruising and tighten the skin. The laser wavelengths - 1440, 1064 and 1320nm - can be used independently or blend to achieve better disruption of fat and coagulation of tissues.

During the initial consultation, the plastic surgeon will perform a thorough examination of the chin area and the entire face in order to plan the procedure. The patient’s aesthetic goals will also be given due consideration. This liposuction procedure is usually performed with local anesthesia. After the area is numbed, the small cannula of the laser lipolysis workstation is inserted into the treatment site. The laser energy delivered liquefies the fat, allowing it to be easily suctioned off.

The blending of 1064 nm and the 1320 nm wavelengths would tighten the skin through tissue coagulation and stimulation of new collagen production. This procedure is unique in that coagulation of tissues and tightening of the skin takes place simultaneously to provide a natural, firm look to the treated region.

This innovative workstation also comes with intelligent delivery systems that help the surgeon avoid overtreatment and minimize complications. SmartSense™ is an intelligent hand-piece delivery system that distributes precise energy for optimal results. ThermaView™ provides a thermal map of the treatment area as well as information on skin temperature, alerts when the optimal temperature is reached. ThermaGuide™ has temperature monitoring capabilities.

When compared to conventional procedures, laser liposuction of the chin is much safer and less traumatic. The treatment is an outpatient procedure with minimal recovery time. Mild bruising and swelling may occur, which will resolve soon. Most patients return to normal activities within a few days. The treated area will appear more compact immediately after the treatment and results will improve significantly over time.

Advantages of Laser Liposuction for Chin Contouring

>> Results in a chiseled, attractive jaw line

>> Balanced and youthful facial appearance

>> Faster and smoother healing process

>> Minimal surgical trauma

>> Less bleeding and bruising

>> Minimal recovery down time and side effects

>> Minimal scarring and discomfort

You can expect optimal results when the procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon experienced in chin liposuction. Leading AAAASF-accredited surgical practices in NYC dedicated to providing treatment with SmartLipo Triplex have such surgeons. Do your research well to choose the right provider and surgical facility.