I Promised My Grandmother Someday I Would Find A Cure For Diabetes...

Author: Chris Norman

Both of my grandparents on my dad’s side suffered from lifelong diabetes and, in the end, they both died from it.

It bothered me that after all those years, nothing ever changed. They religiously followed their doctor’s orders:

  • Took their insulin shots
  • Ate their candy to balance blood sugar levels

Then, they died prematurely of diabetes complications.

When I was younger, I believed the American Diabetes Foundation was hard at work, like Santa’s elves, looking for a cure for Grandma and Grandpa’s diabetes around-the-clock...

  • When I was a child I thought as a child, but now I am a man and I have put away such childish things.” 1 Corinthians 13:11

Don’t get me wrong, I have hope…just not in big foundations, associations and agencies that gather millions of dollars and never do what they say they set out to do. That’s okay. Other great people have done more to defeat diabetes, with less. The shame of it is millions of people are patiently waiting for the big money to tell them there is a cure, but instead they are lied to and told no one knows what the cause of diabetes is and that it can’t be cured. That is just wrong.

As you know, there are always two sides to any coin, accept somehow we’re only seeing one side of that coin over and over again.

Diabetes has been cured.

That’s what I promised I would say to my grandparents. The truth is I did tell my grandmother, but I couldn’t get the rest of our family and the doctors to support her efforts —bless her soul.

Today, it’s much easier to find a reputable medical doctor or health practitioner that will support your efforts to be diabetes free. Plus, you can find the studies all over the Internet and at your local Barnes and Noble’s bookstore.

typWhether you have diabetes type 1 or type2 (in fact, now kids are getting a type 3)... they are all curable.

Diabetes has been cured!

You tell me, why isn’t that published on the cover of every major magazine and the front page of every major newspaper?

Not because it’s not absolutely true, but because of money and greed.

Never give up hope!

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