Curd and Sugar A Cooling Health Shot

Author: Savitha Suri

Curd and sugar is savored and liked by everybody. This combination has many health benefits. Here goes the list of health benefits of this cool shot

How to prepare?

The preparation of this energizing cooling recipe is very simple. Just grab these ingredients to mix your own cooling recipe.

Thick Curd – 1 cup

Sugar – 1-2 tea spoons

Cardamom powder – 1 pinch

Mix Curd, sugar and cardamom powder well in a cup and eat it with a spoon. Sugar provides instant energy in any season. Our body loses minerals and water through sweating in summer, after heavy house work or a tiring work out. This makes man tiered and thirsty. This preparation instantly boosts energy and reduces body fatigue. Sugar which has Madhura rasa or sweet taste increases energy according to principles of ayurveda

Benefits of Curd with sugar

This preparation is one of the ayurveda cooling foods.

It is one among stomach cooling foods. It cools body, reduces acidity and burning sensation in stomach.

It reduces pitta and hence considered as cooling food for pitta. Ayurveda text books recommend consuming this combination at the end of meals.

It takes care of instant glucose supply to body.

It is a ritual in India to serve curd with sugar to a person who has to attend an important meeting or appear in an examination. This takes care of energy supply to brain and body.

According to text books of ayurveda, it keeps intestinal problems at bay during summer

This combination should not be consumed by obese people as it adds lots of calories.

People suffering from diabetes should be very cautious while using this recipe.

Curd with sugar keeps the bladder cool and prevents irritation of bladder which usually happens in summer.

Curd is a good source of vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, folate (HPLC), niacin, riboflavine, thiamin (vitamin B1), vitamin B-12 (cobalamin), vitamers pyridoxine (hydrochloride), carotenoids.

Curd is composed of good bacteria which aid in process of digestion. These bacteria protect the lining of the intestine and also immunize it from probable cancer and other forms of irritation. Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and intestinal cancer are some of the intestinal diseases, and good bacteria immunize the intestine against them.

Probiotics maintain growth of bacteria in the colon. Probiotics refers to the good bacteria living in the colon and their helpful activities often leading to the good health of the intestine. Curd is a probiotic. Daily intake of curd brings about immense health benefits.

The protein in curd is easily digestible in comparison to that found in milk. It is found that a majority of curd is digested for the same time that a quarter of the same quantity of milk is digested.

The mix of sugar and curd can be used as Vajikarana therapy which is an herbal remedy for erectile dysfunction.

Curd helps to increase quality and quantity of semen.

This article is copy righted. The author Dr.SavithaSuri is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda help through ayurveda remedies.Read more at Curd and sugar Benefits