Fermented Milk Manufacturer Korea | Natural Juice Production
SEOUL F3B is the milt processing specialty company, We make the best quality products by cutting-edge production facfacilities and strict quaiity Control and sales our products with confidence.
,From 2005 establishment to now on, SEOULF&B stands firmly as continuous growing company. It is possible we have enterprisingly and innovated endlessly.
keeping up with strict demand of customer.we have invested to R&Dand quality Contorol with passion. As a result of this effort.We obtained cerfication of HACCp,organic processed food and also food safety management system ISO 2200,global standard.We are doing our best to manage our business Systematically and Scientifically.We are the frontrunner of production facility.Matching with Various Customer's needs,we bulid up the productio line by package type and install the cup & bottle both possible,Aseptic filling System"for the first time in Korea'Same pace with Facility.internally,We compeleted company wide integrated solution and enterprise resource planning system for Quick Decision Making and work process. Together with investment,understanding the fact that the emplyee satisfaction is directly related to performance,we are expanding the welfare system and making company Atomsphere like family.for many year to come.all the company maembers together, SEOulF&B ill do our best to grow constanly through innovation and change.
SEOUL F&B is the milk processing Specialty Company. We make the best quality products by cutting-edge production facilities and strict quality control, and sales our products with confidence. From 2005 establishment to now on, SEOUL F&B stands firmly as the continuous growing company. It is possible because we have challenged enterprisingly and innovated endlessly. Keeping up with strict demand of customer, we have invested to R&D and Quality control with passion. As a result of this effort, we obtained certification of HACCP, Organic processed food and also food safety management system ISO 22000, global standard. We are doing our best to manage our business systematically and scientifically We are the frontrunner of production facility. Matching with various customers’ needs, we build up the production line by package type and install the cup & bottle both possible 'Aseptic filling system' for the first time in Korea. Same pace with facility, internally, we completed companywide integrated solution and enterprise resource planning system for quick decision making and work process. IT Valley road 36, Gonggeun myeon, Hoengsung gun, Gangwon province.TEL : 82-33-345-9550~2FAX : 82-33-345-9553Sales Headquarter : KPGA Building 501, Unjungro 121, Bundanggu, Seongnamsi, KyunggidoTEL : 82-31-711-9810FAX : 82-31-711-9811