Coin Collecting Kit
My son is turning ten and he has recently taken an interest in coin collecting. I decided that I want to get him a new hobby for his tenth birthday and his new interest in coin collecting makes that gift easy. The only problem is, I have no idea what coin collection supplies he will need. Before I run out and buy a bunch of supplies that he doesn’t need I’m going to research coin collecting and coin collecting supplies.
I discover online that there are many aspects to coin collecting supplies that I’d never thought of. First of all, coin holders are one of the most important parts of collecting coins. If the coins are stored properly then they will last forever. Because we don’t have any coins yet, I’m going to purchase a variety of coin holders for my son to get started with. I choose a few tubes and sleeves. Second, he’s going to need a book or two.
I’m getting him one book that talks about how to collect coins. He’ll need another book that has various historical coins and their value. This book should get him excited to go on the hunt for rare coins. The third thing my son will need for his coin collecting supply box is special coin cleaning fluid, cloths, and gloves. If he does happen to find rare coins he is going to want to care for them in a very cautious manner. For my son’s birthday I have started his coin collection supply box. In the future he’ll want to look into other coin collection supplies.
Eventually, my son will want to buy coin collection supplies. He’ll want to get coin albums, coin envelopes and maybe even coin frames. There are many more books he could add to his supplies as well. I believe that my son is going to have a great time opening his coin collecting supplies on his birthday. I’m looking forward to spending time with my son searching auctions, estate sales, garage sales and online stores for coins for my son to collect.
There are many coin collecting supplies that are needed if you want to get into coin collecting. I suggest doing some online research and finding a good supplier. You’ll want to make sure you read books because they tell you not just how to collect coins, but also how to care for them. Some rare coins shouldn’t be touched with bare hands and books can help you understand that. Also, there are various types of coin holders like envelopes, frames, albums, tubes and more. Along with your coin collecting supplies consider currency holders for any paper money you might also want to start collecting. Coin collecting is a hobby that anyone at any age can enjoy but for my ten year old son, I think he’ll find it very exciting.
If you are looking for plastic coin holders online, the author of this article recommends Coin and Stamp Supply Central.