Ayurvedic Medicines for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is a gastrointestinal motility condition which does not have any particular structural or organic cause. Also known as Irritable Colon, and Grahani in Sanskrit, it indicates the pathological integrity or condition of the small intestine. When someone suffering from IBS, the person experiences, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, which is also referred as mucous colitis, irritable colon, and spastic colon.
In Ayurveda, IBS is known as GRAHANI DOSHA, which shows the neurotic condition of capacity and uprightness of the intestinal tract (for the most part small digestive system), known as GRAHANI. It is considered as one among the eight MAHA GADHAS (Diseases, which are hard to treat). Grahani, is the a piece of Maha Srotas (Alimentary Tract) which is the seat of digestive flame (Agni) and holds the sustenance until it is processed and discharges it. Charaka Samhita portrays that awkwardness in the Agni is the main driver of this sickness. This off base digestive flame causes amassing of Ama or poison and debilitates the digestive framework.
Lopsidedness in any one or a greater amount of the doshas specifically Vata, Pitta and Kapha could influence the Agni and trigger the complex Grahani Dosha.
The three sorts of unsettled Agni,
Vishama Agni – because of bothered Vata,
Tikshna Agni – because of bothered Pitta,
Manda Agni – because of bothered Kapha.
Causes of IBS
Till date, the precise cause of IBS is still in dilemma. Some said it causes due to the combination of mental and physical health. Some called it a reason of family history. Foods like spicy, fatty, carbohydrates, alcohol or coffee are also considered as the main cause.
Sympoms of IBS (Grahani):
Ayurveda describes the illness by the section of stools exchanged with clogging or the runs and with undigested sustenance particles. This ailment is likewise connected with thirst, dislike, power outages, pedal edema, torment in the bone, fever, and heaving. It is a motility issue including the whole GI tract, bringing on repeating upper and lower GI indications, including variable degrees of stomach agony, clogging and looseness of the bowels, and stomach bloating. IBS is likewise connected with non-gastrointestinal conditions, for example, migraine, low back agony, joint inflammation, non-cardiovascular mid-section torment, troublesome pee, and fibromyalgia.
Ayurvedic Treatment for IBS
In Ayurveda, there are many Ayurvedic Medicines for Irritable Bowel Syndrome that helps to overcome these health problems. Agni is the base (mool) of life, which assumes a key part in bio-change. In Ayurveda JatharAgni implies digestive fire and is available in stomach and duodenum. Grahani is the fundamental site of Agni and both are reliant. As indicated by Ayurveda, the small digestive tract is associated to Grahani, which got its name as a result of its property to limit feast. Grahani is the spot where assimilation and ingestion happens. It is supported by the quality of Agni. "Mandagni" is one sort of vitiation of Agni, which implies feeble digestive flame. The sustenance is not processed appropriately because of Mandagni, which prompts Ama Dosha (amassing of endotoxins); it is the significant variable in charge of the greater part of the infections.
Today, there are many ayurvedic medicines for irritable bowel syndrome, which can help a patient to overcome this issue.