3D And 4D Scanning At Miracle Inside

Author: Miracle Inside

During the period of pregnancy, you have to be extra cautious. Consulting an expert during the whole course of pregnancy is highly advisable. Early pregnancy scan 8 weeks must only be done after consulting your doctor. Miracle Inside has the most advanced machinery for 3D and 4D scanning.

According to most doctors and sonography experts, the best time for getting pregnancy scan is between 16 to 22 weeks. Early pregnancy scan 8 weeks should only be done if your doctor advises you to do so. Many parents often find it difficult to go through the process of pregnancy scans since they are not sure about it effects on the mother and child. This is a common misconception since 3D and 4D scanning facility at Miracle Inside is completely safe for the baby as well as the mother. Our sonography experts use the latest tools and equipment for the scanning procedure. The best thing about miracle inside is that they offer high end facilities to the patients when it comes to 3d/4d scan. You can always find a doctor at Miracle Inside with whom you can share your dilemmas. A professional counsellor is also provided to the parents if they have any doubts on the scanning procedures. The common questions asked by most parents are; Are 4D Baby scans safe? The best suited answer to this question is yes. Anyone can opt for 3D and 4D scanning procedure after consulting their doctor.

Better imagining through 3D and 4D scanning Miracle inside is one of the most sought after clinic when it comes to 3D and 4D scanning. It must also be noted that there has been a steep increase in the number of 3d/4d scan in the past few years since they have numerous advantages over conventional 2D scans. For starters, both 3D and 4D scanning procedures offer better images of the baby. Miracle inside also offers affordable scanning packages which start at 15 pounds. You can opt for the package which suits your budget and requirements. The first scan is done after 8 to 12 weeks of pregnancy to make sure that the child is in good health. However, if you intend to go for 3D and 4D scans, it is advisable to wait for 24 to 32 weeks since scanning during this time will give a better picture of the baby. Miracle inside also offer color photographs of the bay to the parents alongside 15 minutes DVD. 4D scanning technique adds another dimension to the scanned image which means that you can tough your baby through the image generated on 4D scanner output device. This is the reason why most parents have started opting for 3D and 4D scanning facility at Miracle Inside.