How to make money with a blog fashion: fashion blogger
Among the topics booming thanks to TV and the Internet, there is one where the trend is growing, driven by an increasing interest in this respect: it comes to fashion. More and more people are looking on the net tips sully' outfit right, or advice on how best to dress to impress thanks to their clothes.
So we have already seen the rapid rise of fashion bloggers who are more able to make their common tastes in fashion. Once again, the basic ingredient for success was the passion, followed by no less important winning marketing strategy.
If you wonder how to earn money with a blog of fashion you're in the right place: together we can discuss concrete gain in a fashion blog. But before we make a point about the state of the art today.
Today there are already many blogs established in the field, particularly in India or operated by India anyway, given our rich history of fashion. So the first thing to do is a thorough analysis of the existing, in search of what is missing or can be improved, so as to already have a solid foundation on which to base the project to make money with a blog of fashion.
First passion: if there is no one to do trawl, particularly at the beginning, when the energies used are many and often not immediately rewarded by the results. Yes, because it is useless to think of putting up a blog with a few photographs, some event, update it sporadically and can draw from it again. To make money with a fashion blog in fact must always keep up, upgrade and update the content.
When you start to want to monetize your blog dedicated to fashion you can first start by AdSense, the Google contextual advertising, and certain affiliate programs, or platforms that serve as a meeting point between buyers and sells advertising. Especially for the fashion industry platforms are recommended.
As they offer a wide range of advertisers in clothing and accessories. Through Adsense earns based on clicks received on commercials, while platforms affiliate arrangements can range from percentage recognized on the sales generated by contacts from the fashion blog to pay a fixed fee for new members to the shop or to the News. In the first case it is therefore important to place correctly ads, because they are easily seen and attract clicks spontaneous. In the second case you will have to assess the opportunity to write some post specifically dedicated to the sponsors, but careful not to be at the service of brands sponsored.
Even programs live are a good alternative: with Flipkart and Amazon for example, disporrai of many products to be advertised, earning a percentage of sales when your visitor clicks and then buy.When the project takes hold surely there will be much more room for maneuver in terms of sponsorship: it will be possible to contact the various brands, when the visits and the resulting influence media will give the blog greater bargaining power. If your communicative power is strong and your following grows visibly, could be the same fashion houses to contact you.
The demonstration that money with a blog is such a thing possible, both directly and indirectly, is given by the number of blogs that have emerged to date, becoming more like showcase for authors, whose horizons in the fashion world have now widened despite having started from a space on the web just like a blog. Among others in recent years and months they have distinguished themselves as blog The Blonde Salad Chiara Ferragni, which graces the pages of this blog has become a fashion guru, followed by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Attanasio Fabio, with his The Bespoke Dudes has captured the attention of many interested in men's fashion, devoting himself to his blog unconventional with diligence and passion.
If you are safe or safe to have good taste and know how to anticipate the times, as well as the ability to communicate and be able to give the right advice in fashion, remember not to give up if the results do not come immediately, with the right dedication you too can quietly making money with a blog of fashion.
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