Charlie Fuller’s on How to Know when it’s time for a New Washer and Dryer

Author: Crownsmit Sater

What are signs that an old washer or dryer is in need of replacing?

There are are many different factors deciding if a washer and dryer are in need of replacing. Once they are eight-years-old or older and are showing warning signs, then it’s probably time to replace them. The warning signs for a washer are pretty easy to spot. If it’s leaking, noisy, or moving around something isn’t right. Once the washer starts showing these issues, it's probably time for a replacement. Dryers are a little tougher to know if the they need to be replaced. Many of the issues commonly seen with dryers are actually the result of improper installation. The most common issue is poor venting that causes the dryer to overheat. Making sure the dryer vent is attached and unblocked and getting the vents cleaned will help show if it’s the hook-up or the dryer itself. Like a washer, if the dryer is eight-years-old or older, and there are signs of trouble it’s probably best to look for a replacement.

What needs to be considered before choosing a new washer and dryer?

The first step is pretty obvious, choosing a budget. Once a budget is chosen it’s easier to determine which models are available in that price range. The next step is determining what you need out of a washer or dryer. For a single person in a small space, smaller models are ideal. For a large family, the smaller models just can’t wash enough to keep up with laundry needs. Picking a capacity that fits the needs of each buyer will help narrow the choices down. From there it’s time to look at reviews and features for each possible choice. The key is finding the best value for the money. Load capacity, price, features, and efficiency are all things that need to be given equal attention before buying a new washing machine in Utah.

What is Energy Star and is it worth paying extra up front?

The Energy Star program is set up by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help limit the impact on the planet. For an appliance to be Energy Star approved each item has to be sent to an EPA lab and tested to see how much a particular item costs to run compared to similar classes. If the item demonstrates the ability to use less energy, it will get the Energy Star approval.

What are the best places to buy a washer and dryer from?

With so many options, it’s hard to know which ones are best. The oversized retail locations or giant warehouses will attempt to lead you to feel like you’re getting a great deal. Charlie Fuller’s has a large selection of "home appliances in Bountiful and will look at budgets, routes, and more to give you the best options available.