5 Reasons Why You Need to Consider Online High School

Author: Branden Zachary

Online high schools have become more popular as teenagers who are having trouble in their local schools for academic or social reasons are looking for educational alternatives. Here are 5 reasons why online high schools might be a good educational solution for those who want to earn their high school diploma.

1. Different Education Schedules

If you decide to enroll in online schooling high school will no longer take place between September and mid-June. While it's good to know that the academic schedule of your local school is never going to change, the downside is that you also have to adhere to the school's schedule of early release days, professional workshop days for teachers, school vacations, federal holidays and days off due to inclement weather. When a high school student decides to go to an online high school, they can go by their own schedule, not an arbitrary one set up by their local school district.

2. Learn At Your Own Pace

At a brick and mortar school, there are the students who learn faster than their peers. Then there are those who are far behind everyone else. While the average high school student can keep up with the instructor just fine, many others are either left behind to flounder or become bored with the curriculum. With online schooling high school can go as fast or as slow as the student wishes. Online instructors will be there to help the student until they have a firm understanding of the subject.

3. School Standards Will Always Be Intact

With the concern about the Common Core curriculum erupting all over the country, parents and students are right to be concerned about the state of education in America's public schools. With an online high school, the education that a student will receive is created around a system of standards and competencies that will not change according to the whims of education bureaucrats. The student will not be able to go on to the next level or graduate unless they have mastered the skills and knowledge base of the previous stage.

4. Learn On Your Own Time

While learning from the hours of 7am to 3pm works for most teenagers, this schedule may be a lot harder to keep if the student is older and has responsibilities such as work and/or family to consider. One of the main benefits of learning in an online environment is that the student will now have the ability to learn on their own schedule. A student can now attend high school in the middle of the night, on the weekends, or even if they're traveling outside of the country.

5. Learn Subjects That May Not Be Available in Local Schools

When a student attends a local school, they are limited to the curriculum that is available. If a student wanted to focus on the arts, they may only have one art class that fills up quickly. In an online educational setting, students can choose schools according to where their personal or professional interests lie. For example, artistically inclined students can choose schools whose curriculum is focused on the visual or literary arts. Students who are interested in math and science could also pick schools who have STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) programs.