Storing Your Waist Cincher

Author: Daniel Keogh

Many women around the world have started using waist cinchers to practice waist training with the aim of attaining a perfect, seductive figure. However, many of these women fail to understand the fact that their waist cinching process will end up being effective not just by wearing their cincher regularly, but also by caring for it properly. In addition to knowing and following the right washing instructions, it is also important to know about how to store a waist cincher. If you have been looking around for tips on storing your waist trainer properly, look no further. Here we present to you the different ways to store a cincher.

  • Laying the waist cincher flat in your drawer is one of the most obvious and simpler ways of storing it. Whenever you are not wearing your cincher, hook it up fully and lay it flat inside your drawer. It is always better to store the cincher in a separate drawer away from your other clothing that can potentially damage your cincher. However, if you have more than one cincher and there is no excess space, stack them on top of each other carefully. If the shape of your drawer doesn’t fit the structure of your waist shaper, you may try to fold the cincher along the visible lines and then store it. But make sure not to fold it unnaturally, because there are cinchers that are designed to not fold up properly. Alternatively, you can also place it upright in a wide basket or bin, again without disturbing the original shape and structure of the cincher.
  • You can also store your waist cincher by hanging it in your closet or elsewhere in a hanger. You can choose to leave them hooked or unhooked based on your preference, but leaving them unhooked will make it easy for you to wear them again the next time. Make sure that the hanger you choose is strong enough to hold the weight of your cincher, as most hangers tend to droop or bow down. Try using a tiered slack rack hanger or a skirt hanger.
  • If you like being creative, then we might have a beautiful and unique technique to store your waist cincher. Have you ever thought about hanging your cincher(s) on your wall like art pieces? You can use padded hangers and over-sized frames (you can find some at thrift stores in your neighborhood for good bargains) for this purpose. However, one aspect to take into consideration with this method is that, you should carefully choose the place for hanging your cincher. This is because places that are prone to get dirty faster will cause the cincher to discolor and get dirty faster than usual. This storage method isn’t a permanent solution. However, if you have a cincher that you no longer use after having moved to a different one, you can hang it this way rather than throwing it out.

Whatever storing method you choose, be sure to practice waist cinching regularly and take proper care of your cincher to improve its life time.