Rooms with style and color
Charming and cozy rooms are inspired by the way, 60s, colorful and poetic or how to book a hotel... is you more than 30 pictures of inspiration for a room in color. is social shopping site for trendy, shopping with your friends and love ones at best social commerce website.
The color is cheerful, elegance when properly dosed, and also daring. Because to integrate color into the room, we must dare. Some dare without getting wet by focusing only on accessories, other fully transform walls covering one or more tones. Some even dare reasons mixing paints and paper / paint. With color, anything goes!
Color contributes enormously to change style and the change of atmosphere in a room. Powdery hues will not give the same feeling as electric tones and warm colors. The first, the pastel shades are ideal for a colorful room under the sign of gentleness, serenity and well being. Tonics and fluorescent colors bring this bit of madness we all like to have in its interior, with warm tones as they suggest a mind to encourage cocoon to transform the room into a real place of relaxation.
A room in discreet and sober color
A colorful room does not necessarily mean that the walls must necessarily dress in colors. Especially if you like too many tones to choose only one. In this case, the focus is on white or ecru walls awakened by an amount of colored notes. In addition to allowing you to mix colors and add a longer time to time, this trick is ideal to change the decor of the room depending on the season, needs, trends and desires, simply.
A room in original and whimsical color
If you dared to take the plunge by coloring the room so total look, dare fully to opt for a pure color will do the trick. Your room will not be less relaxing because you look like. And a total look does not mean spreading a single tone everywhere from floor to ceiling. You can very well choose one color to decline at infinity. For example, if you are a big fan of light blue, have fun mixing pale blue, Nordic blue, blue-gray, blue lagoon, enhanced a strong navy that will set the tone.