5 Cool Things to Do With Your Handmade Notebooks

Author: Le Belou

If you are wondering what you’ll do with the blank notebooks lying around your home, here are a few ideas for you.

1. Keep a record of your favorite quotes

One of the best ways to use your blank notebooks is to keep a record of your favorite quotes. Start writing a quote everyday and you can even dedicate a single page for each quote. Write down a small summary of the lesson you learnt from that quote. This list will inspire you on the days when your spirits are low.

2. Write up a budget

They say the best way to know where your money is going is to do a budget. It’s the only way to find out whether you spend a lot on handmade home wares or the latest fashion trends. Having a budget will really help you to control your finances. With a blank notebook, you can easily plan how you’ll spend your money. Track how much you spent on a daily and monthly basis and then adjust your budget accordingly. Having a record of what you expect to earn and spend can help you to keep track of money coming in and going out.

3. Turn it into a scrapbook

There are so many events, experiences and people that you may want to scrapbook. For many of us, you have so many memories you want to scrapbook that there’s no easy place to start. Take pictures of those special moments you had with your loved ones and stick them on your scrapbook. You can start by capturing the events based on the year they took place to keep your scrapbook organized. Handmade scrapbooking can be so much fun especially when you do it in an organized manner. But don’t worry because you’ll learn as you go.

4. Make your bucket list

What would you want to do before you leave this earth? How about you start writing down each of these activities? Write down who you would want to become as well and review this list occasionally. It will really help you to focus on accomplishing things you’ve always put at the back burner. Making your own bucket list will help you to live life without any regrets.

5. Start a gratitude journal

Pick one of your handmade notebooks and write a list of things that you are grateful about. Do this on a daily basis. It will help you to focus on the positive things in your life and works magic in keeping you in good spirits. Do this every day without fail and you’ll be surprised at how much it changes your life.