What is birthstone meaning

Author: Vishwa Tyagi

Gemstones have always been used by people since ages to condone the evil eye and fetch happiness and success galore. These semi precious stones are cherished for its ravishing beauty and its healing powers. These stones are sometimes rare to find and hence, it is regarded of high esteem.

What is the origin of birthstones?

The birthstone are worn in correspondence to the date of birth of the person. The Assyrians are known to be the first to put meanings to these gemstones as early as 1400 B.C. Indians and Babylonians always knew of the brilliant strength of the birthstones. In fact, the Old and New Testament of the Bible give vital mention of the powers and special healing of the birthstones.

It was during the 1st century that Flavius Josephus connected the Zodiac signs to particular gemstones. It assured the person of spiritual healing and cure of ailments. Some even accumulated all the 12 stones to ensure himself of power and strength throughout.

Subsequently, the Jewish gem traders in Poland and German jewellers popularized the influence and command of birthstones through poetry, creating birthstone listings. Later, specific qualities were attached to these gemstones and were co-ordinated and matched to the respective stones.

The list kept getting reinvented with a new list in 1912 and 2002 when Tanzanite was added to the list.

What is the respective gemstones for the months of the year?

  • January: Garnet symbolises integrity, love and stability, enhanced self-esteem, determination and vivacity. It also prevents bad dreams, snake bites.
  • February: The Purple amethyst boasts of serenity, regale and tolerance.
  • March: The pale blue aquamarine gemstones and bloodstones is the symbol of love, well being and youthfulness. It has the power to restore marital ties and enhance happiness and strength power.
  • April: Diamonds have the capacity to ward off insanity and bring longlasting relationships and life.
  • May: Green emeralds facilitate eternal trust, fertility, good eye sight and well being.
  • June: The white milky pearls or moonstones is the symbol of purity, humility and stable marital accords and friendships. They are also hued in black, grey, chocolate and shades of cream.
  • July: Wear a ruby for peace and success. Guarantee healthy friendship and a strong personality.
  • August: The shining Peridot shoves off depression and negative attractions and evil.
  • September: The Sapphire boasts of faithfulness, peace, esteem and intellect.
  • October: Opal and tourmaline stones protect the wearer from harmful intentions and symbolises innocence, hope and creativity.
  • November: The yellow topaz and citrine facilitate strong immunity system, it protects travellers and ensures a stable mind.
  • December: Turquoise, blue topaz and tanzanite guarantee good wealth and cure to headaches.

This article has been written and posted by a astrologer who working with gempundit.com(A Gemstones online shopping store). He gives information on birthstone strologicals benefits and tell how to buy birthstone online and how to wear birthstone.