Acupuncture for Sciatica: An Alternative Natural Treatment

Author: Dr Lohiya

Have you ever experienced a pinching sensation on your lower back which is radiating slowly but painfully to your thighs and legs? If your answer to this is yes, then there are chances that you are suffering from Sciatica. Other common symptoms of identifying whether you are suffering from sciatica or not are numbness of the feet, inability to walk, difficulty in getting out of your bed, a severe form of back ache that you have ever experienced and excruciating pain every time you move. If you find any of these things happening to you then you can be assured that you are suffering from Sciatica.

With the advancement in medicinal field, the practitioners have found several ways to treat sciatica but not every treatment work for every patient. Some of the common and conventional ways of treating sciatica that people have tried to cure excruciating pain are physical therapy, surgery, pain medications, exercise and stretching. May be you have also tried few of things but haven’t found any of the treatment useful enough to provide you relief from sciatica. Acupuncture for sciatica is another form of treatment which has been proved effective time and again for providing relief from symptoms that you have been facing.

Based on traditional Chinese treatment, Acupuncture Treatment is known for treating the root cause of the medical condition rather than just providing relief from the symptoms. Acupuncture treatment is an alternative medicine that treats pains and other problems through the insertion of thin solid needles into the patient’s body. The basis of the acupuncture treatment is that the function of the human body is regulated by the flow of the energy called qi. The primary goal of acupuncture for sciatica is the correct the imbalances in the bodily flow of qi by stimulating the various acupuncture points inside the human skin.

In acupuncture for sciatica, the therapist will insert thin pointed needles in the pressure points on your back to correct the underlying cause of the pain you are facing. This is done in order to regulate the functioning of the nerves and improve blood circulation of the body parts involved in this process. This results in the relaxation of muscles which in turn reduces pain.

Results may vary of the treatment from person to person but in most cases patients confirm that their symptoms disappeared after few sessions. You can look up to Acupuncture for Sciatica if conventional treatments failed to work for you.