Important Qualities of a Professional Food Photographer

Author: Sameer Tendulkar

Food photography is a branch of commercial still photography which aims at clicking attractive photos of the food for advertisements, magazines, packaging, menus in restaurants, cook books, etc. The images at times need to be enhanced in size and appeal to attract consumers. A food photographer in Mumbai or anywhere else in the world has to work in a team comprising of an art director, stylist and the assistants. India is a country of food loving citizens with Indian food fast gaining popularity in world charts. Thus Indian food photography has become a lucrative career option for creative minds. Mumbai is a cosmopolitan city and food photography Mumbai comes with some of the best images to attract consumers to a wide range of food items.

Most important qualities a professional food photographer must possess are as follows,

  • Must be creatively inclined and pay attention to minute details.

  • Earn a degree in photography to learn about the basic skills as to how to arrange the subjects, adjust the frame and operate the camera.

  • Must make an attractive portfolio which is high in quality and wide in variety.

  • Must understand the key aspect of lighting while taking pictures of food items such as effects of daylight, artificial light, etc.

  • In addition he must visualize the composition or the arrangement and styling to boost the image.

  • Must make use of the equipment such as the tripod or screens to balance the background and the food.

  • Must be well versed with the key camera features such as shutter speed or aperture of the lens and ISO that is the speed of the digital sensor in the camera.

  • Must attain a fine post processing white balance, brightness and contrast to generate a striking image.

  • Must be proficient in digital camera and developing the images.

  • Must be technologically sound in areas of editing, image enhancement, etc. to avoid making blurry images.

  • Must possess originality and come up with innovative ideas thinking out of the box.

  • Must have excellent interpersonal skills along with knowledge of marketing and the overall business.

  • Must be a cooperative team player to take in the ideas of the stylist and the art director which will enable him to make mouth watering images of the food.

  • Must have inherently excellent visual perception so that the actual images come alive.

  • Must keep abreast with the latest developments in the field.

  • Must have a sound know how of digital processing and camera equipment.

  • Must develop soft skills such as clear communication and a great rapport with the team.

In the food industry, creativity, innovation, technical knowledge and soft skills to work in a team does wonders in terms of consumer appeal and business growth. Food photographers in Mumbai draw large fees as their skill enhances the food business. Indian food photography is seen shining in many international food magazines and on food channels.

A cohesive team work of creative people including the food photographer can produce yummy images of the food which can positively impact the consumers. To know more about food photography visit